If You Love Guns, You DON’T Want This Guy To Replace Mitch McConnell

Screen capture from YouTube video.

You may have heard that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is planning on stepping down as the Republican Senate leader at the end of this year.

Now, I won’t pretend that I’m a fan of McConnell. No, I’m much more of a Thomas Massie fan based on Massie’s strong pro-2A stance (see what I mean here) and his advocating of the 4th Amendment to keep the Federal government out of our business (your guns are your business, not theirs). So, you could say that I’m not unhappy that McConnell will have less influence in Congress.

It does leave a potentially giant void, though, because, if the Republicans re-take the Senate in November, the head of the Republicans in the Senate will have a lot of control over what happens there. And the American people deserve to have someone who takes the Second Amendment seriously.


And, according to one writer, at least, there is one name that’s already been thrown into the hat for that position who we really don’t want there (hat tip to here for the lead). John R. Lott, Jr. writes,

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, is the first to announce his campaign to replace Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as the Senate’s Republican leader. The race for leadership will expose a weakness of Cornyn — his lack of support for Americans’ right to self-defense. “Every time gun control gains steam in Congress, Senator John Cornyn is right there working with Democrats on a ‘compromise,’” says Aidan Johnston with Gun Owners Of America. Unfortunately, Johnston is correct.

A person like that is exactly who we don’t want in any position of authority. Ever.

Look, the United States was founded on the idea that people should be left alone by the government if those people aren’t violating the rights of others. And the areas that government is supposed to stay out of include (and, maybe, especially applies to) firearms. If we’re not using firearms to violate other people’s rights, then, the government has a duty (by oaths of office) to leave us alone.

But Cornyn, like anti-2A zealots on the other side of the aisle seems to think that the people should be subject to the government, and the American people deserve someone better than another milquetoast McConnell clone heading up Republicans in the Senate this fall.



  1. corny was the supposed face of the ‘right’ cooperating with democRATs to pass that bipartisan safer communities act that solely favored gun controllers. IOW he willingly allowed them to use him to pass a law that did absolutely nothing to bolster individual rights to keep and bear arms as is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment or did anything to combat crime. Prove me wrong.

  2. Rahn Paul requested and stated he would be more than willing and capable of filling that position. He strongly supports the 2nd amendment.
    You go Guy. 👍🇺🇸

  3. I will contact my two Dumbacrats and see if they can put forth, back door style, a little bit of trading this for that that could help our cause. Being in outback Nevada sometimes Jackie and Suzzie bend the.Dumbacrats rules and help the old folks at home. Trying don’t hurt. Maybe our new governor can put a marshmallow on the fire too.

  4. John Cornyn has never showed me anything. He’s been up there for years and I feel like he’s one of those “homesteader types”. He needs to retire. Just my 2 cents worth.

  5. .The democrats have been for compromise as long as they get most of what they want, the problem that eventually there is nothing left ………….

  6. That guy, Cornyn always made me very nervous. What so many don’t seem to understand is that the Second Amendment was written for two reasons. One, so we the people can protect ourselves against a totalitarian government. Exactly like the one we now face because a bunch of fools voted for the anti-Americans now running our country. The other reason for the Second Amendment is to protect the First Amendment. Many don’t realize a firearm of any kind can be a sheer joy or an absolute nightmare, it all depends on how it’s used.

  7. The Second Amendment was proudly and boldly included in the U.S. Constitution. It must be preserved at all costs, and I am a democrat Latino

  8. I will be glad to speak out of all the reasons why JOHN CORNYN is a traitor of the 2nd amendment. He is the last person you want in position of authority. he could single handedly destroy our gun rights. He will be a rhino!!!

    • Awww, he’s just a normal GOPer….Gutless Old Party
      So, the question is, how do these RINOs get in office?
      Are any conservatives awake? Or do they care?
      I mean, Texas….with Cornyn and “eyepatch McCain” (Crenshaw)

  9. RINO ALERT!!! Wake UP, rub the sleep from your eyes and remove the wax from your ears and PAY ATTENTION to what’s going on and VOTE accordingly!!!

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