Anti-2A Group Trying DEVIOUS Way To Curb Gun Rights


Many people don’t understand the impact of information on our world. If a person doesn’t have knowledge of or understand science, then, they’re never going to be able to invent the next great invention. Similarly, if a person doesn’t understand human nature, then, they’re never going to get along with people while getting more of the things in life that they want because they don’t know how to work with people in cooperation.

In the same way, political groups try to strangle the available information that people can hear from their opponents. Why? To paraphrase 1984 author, George Orwell, if people don’t have the words for something (the information about something), then, they can’t conceive of it to be able to create it, strive for it, or use it.

Now, you may be asking what all of this has to do with our guns rights, and the answer is: Everything. In fact, it is exactly this availability of pro-gun information that a big anti-2A group is trying to make disappear with their move against a gun industry group. This anti-2A group only wants the narrative of “guns are scary and kill people all by themselves” to be the only narrative that Americans hear.


Michael Clements writes,

A national gun control organization has taken responsibility for creating the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) legal problems, is setting its sights on a firearms industry trade organization, and is calling on people to join its fight.

In a March 14 email, Brady—formerly The Brady Campaign—solicited signatures on a petition for Congress to pass more gun control laws to end the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).

Neither Brady nor the NRA responded to emails requesting comment by press time.

Mark Oliva, managing director of public affairs for the NSSF, said he is not surprised by the email. He said Brady is only one of several groups assaulting Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

“I think, if anything, [the email] is a testament to the effectiveness of NSSF and our ability to advocate for our industry,” Mr. Oliva told The Epoch Times.

He said he expects anti-gun groups to continue, and even intensify, their attacks.

Whatever your thoughts are about the NRA or the NSSF, it seems pretty clear that Brady is all in on their efforts to strip Americans of their gun rights and make the American people defenseless before criminals (whether in the government or outside of the government).

It’s a disgrace, and Brady is a disgrace. They clearly don’t think that the American people have the mental capacity or emotional maturity to make adult decisions about how to best save their own lives. And anyone who wants to take away that capacity for you simply doesn’t have your best interests at heart.



  1. Guns are for law abiding citizens but these nut case anti 2A people want us to think that without guns in our hands there would be no gun violence. Well, I don’t mind if they try that for themselves but they will get them away from us by taking them out of our cold dead hands. Bet y’all have heard that before. Well, it’s true.

  2. and the ones that are for climate control, should be the first ones to give up everything made from oil.

  3. I quit using the term “gun control” many years ago. The people who do not anyone to have guns, except themselves, of course, as they know how to use them without killing people) do not want gun control. They want (Total) Civilian Disarmament. Though they tend to lay the blame on the guns, they really do know it is people that do the harm, the killing. And they want to be the ones that control that and say who will live and who will die.

    When civilians are disarmed there is no effective way for them to resist, or even disagree with, those that begin to exert ever greater tyranny as the possibility of being stopped by acts of effective force disappears.

    Sure, the ballet box is an option, initially, in the case of the current Civilian Disarmament actions, the ballet box would have had to been used twenty to thirty years ago. With strong support of the Bill of Rights. All of ti.

    Right now, the move to disarm American Citizens across the board is growing, with more and more calls by those that want the rest of us disarmed to prosecute those who legally own guns while ignoring those that acquire guns through illegal means, and use them to commit crime. As this process continues, many of those that are advocating Civilian Disarmament, want it for others, but not themselves, as they are beginning to see the dangers of not having effective means of protecting oneself and family from those committing crimes with illegally obtained guns. They need protection and know police cannot really help them in time. Especially now with the defunding movements that the same people are trying to do.

    I believe that if people begin to use the terms that actually apply and mean what those that are doing these things, rather than colorful terms that do not have all that much to do with what is actually being done.

    They want Total Civilian Disarmament so they can control people without any risks when they institute the controls.

    Just my opinion.


  4. Some of us understand that there really is an inherent right to defend ones self. The disarmament industry refuses to acknowledge that basic human right. Period.
    Many (lots?) of us will do our best to resist evil whatever form it takes. Guns just happen to be the most effective means for us to do so. After all, I’m old tired and broken so my ability to fight is pretty limited BUT I can still use guns to resist that evil, whether it is a gang banger or an out of control big gummint or anything in between. And NO – in light of the ‘new’ federal office of red flag ops that does NOT mean I am ‘dangerous’ at all, UNLESS I am threatened.

  5. The reason we are having gun control issues on innocent law abiding citizens? We have been invaded by Communists! Of all factions. In order to completely take over? Is to get gun’z away from the American people. Then make fake claims of gun toting law abiding citizens. In which these retarded laws only affect the innocent citizens. But. These imbecile laws don’t do doodly squat to the gun toting criminals. They love these useful idiot’s! It’s because they don’t obey any gun laws or laws period! Oops! As of now! Our invade Commie installed government. Does not obey the Constitution! They have installed their invading Commie doctrine they follow! They wipe their collective butt’s with our Constitution! The “Law of the Land! The “Rule of Law!” In which the Democratic Party and some TIMO’s have committed treason. We know is not a short jail sentence or prison. It’s the “Death Penalty”period! ☠️☠️☠️…

  6. Sorry about the misspelled words etc.. I proofread to make sure it’s correct! But. My Nazi phone changes my text after I’ve proof read it and sent it! Then I re-read it. Oops! I’m really sick of Apple screwing with Conservatives etc.. Despite what others may think? That it’s the person texting is uneducated or stupid? Oops! I’ll be surprised. If this turns out correct??If not? Their bad! But. You get mostly what I said? We are invade and it’s an insurrection by sell outs! In which no one is really doing anything about it. Some things are popping in our favor. But. There are too many evil loser’s behind the scenes. Even though? The curtain has been pulled back on them. They are and have been completely exposed! In which they don’t care. They double down and triple down on their anti-American agenda and Unconstitutional policies , laws , rules , regulations , mandates and Executive Orders! What’s wrong with this picture?

  7. Keep in mind. GomezSA is not me. Nor is this person related into to me in any way! Yes! I am not a terrorist either! I am to a Commie! The Democrats called each other Comrades! They are the sworn enemy of America! I am an American. So yeah! That makes anyone American their invading enemy! Like? How does the saying!”Make America Great Again.” Make American 🇺🇸 Patriots terrorists in support of their own country? Talk about mind boggling? The ones attacking real patriotic Americans? Are the invading Commie terrorist cells. Just look and smell what our foreign agent leader has done to this country! Then blames his invading corruption on Trump and the Republicans. Am I lying? Nope!

  8. (My comment is not a repeat! Telling me so? Is a straight up lie and just pure unadulterated censorship!) Keep in mind. GomezSA is not me. Nor is this person related into to me in any way! Yes! I am not a terrorist either! I am to a Commie! The Democrats called each other Comrades! They are the sworn enemy of America! I am an American. So yeah! That makes anyone American their invading enemy! Like? How does the saying!”Make America Great Again.” Make American 🇺🇸 Patriots terrorists in support of their own country? Talk about mind boggling? The ones attacking real patriotic Americans? Are the invading Commie terrorist cells. Just look and smell what our foreign agent leader has done to this country! Then blames his invading corruption on Trump and the Republicans. Am I lying? Nope!

  9. All ways of trying to curb gun rights are devious. Even the claim that we don’t have gun rights is devious. That claim is legitimate to make, even though it’s devious. It’s merely free speech.

    But any other way of trying to curb gun rights constitutes action. Any action even attempting, let alone succeeding, to curb gun rights is CRIME, not political action or any other kind of legitimate action. ESPECIALLY when such action is taken by people in government, it is CRIME. No regulation or legislation can justify it. Such regulation and legislation is just as criminal. It is crime, a perversion of government, law and due process, and the government people committing such action are criminals and must be treated as such, by law and due process.

    THIS is the message we must take to everybody’s faces, in public, especially to the government and everybody in government, up front before we say anything else, in defense of gun rights.

  10. You Anti 2nd amendment people are anti-American and when you are against the Constitution then this is TREASON. is you do not like America then its easy GET OUT. Go to China and Preach your bullshit.

  11. I am confused, I grew up around guns, I have owned many over the years, and yet none of mine do any without me or another agency acting upon them.
    If gun control was about guns they would support mandatory sentences for illegal usage, and long prison terms for offenders, but the same people who want gun control oppose criminal control, this is a contradiction of philosophy. The only ones they want to disarm are the general population who is not doing anything illegal.
    It almost smells like it is more about control than guns, with a large dose of projection from the authors regarding their personal fear of responsibilities.
    The NFA of 1934 was originally aimed at handguns, that is where the short barreled rifle, and short barreled shotguns part drew from. They dropped the ban on handguns, but retained the rifle and shotgun part, over public outcry regarding the violence due to prohibition and sale of alcohol. The GCA of 1968 also banned handguns, and then retracted that portion, in response to a rising outcry over uppity minorities demanding civil and human rights. The AW ban in 1994 was brought out to appease the masses over the shooting wars associated with the crack abuse that was happening then. None of these were aimed at criminals only law abiding citizens that weren’t behaving as subjects to the “superior” rulers.
    The origins of gun control are post civil war when the Democrats tried to disarm the south, and more specifically the freedmen, by outlawing their gun ownership, along with voting, and education. Seems like they still are angry about losing their farm equipment, and want to take it out on everybody.

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