Biden Targets Political Conservatives With New Program


What do you call a political leader who goes out of his way to target his political opponents, to persecute and harass them, and, in general, make their lives a living hell?

Answer: Joe Biden.

I’m only partially kidding there. The answer is a tyrant (or a would-be tyrant), and Joe Biden already fit the description of a “would-be tyrant.”


But, now, Biden has gone even more out of this way to harass people who disagree with his policies (and, no, we’re not talking about targeting January 6th protesters in this case). No, this is a new effort to persecute political conservatives. Tom Ozimek writes,

The Biden administration is setting up a national center to provide training and technical assistance to help police, prosecutors, judges, and others implement “red flags” laws more effectively to take away guns from Americans “who pose a threat to themselves or others,” drawing criticism from some conservatives.

Ozimek continues:

The announcement of the red flag center drew immediate criticism from some lawmakers, Second Amendment advocates, and others.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) was blunt with his criticism in a post on X, in which he called the project “evil.”

“What the hell is this evil? A Federal Red Flag center; We did not authorize this,” he wrote.

Conservative political activist Laura Loomer said in a post on X that she believes the new program would be used to target Trump supporters.

“Oh look. The DOJ just created a program to red flag Trump supporters at the same time they are allowing for illegals to have guns,“ she wrote. ”We all know this will only be used against Trump supporters, so let’s just call it what it is. A red flag database to disarm MAGA. Communism.”

God bless Thomas Massie, and Laura Loomer is absolutely right. Red flag laws are sold to voters using the excuse of safety, but the reality is that they are used to disarm legal gun owners without due process. Which means that, since political conservatives tend to be the ones legally owning guns, red flag laws are ripe for abuse by using them against political conservatives.

And, now, Biden is pushing that on a nationwide level.

Who is the real deplorable here? It’s certainly not political conservatives.

The American people deserve better than the clown show in the White House that we have right now.



  1. What a scam Biden is perpetrating on conservatives. Allowing illegal immigrants to perpetrate crimes and later on to be used as his private Army to arrest anyone who does not tow Biden’s communist agenda. Clearly we have traitors in our government and legal system! They should be dealt with as such.

  2. Makes ‘perfect’ sense (NOT) – “red flag” conservatives for even the lamest of reasons (or even no real reason, just the say so of ‘someone’). Meanwhile, a fed ‘judge’ just ‘ruled’ that it is okay for “illegals” to possess guns. Is anyone paying attention?

    • Let them come and try to take my guns, screw them cause they are not getting my guns! Personally I’m tired of the B.S. left wing democrats getting away with murder!

  3. This nation is being systematically destroyed by Biden the “Puppet-in-Cheif” who is being controlled by the communist who hates America known as Obama.

  4. Totally unconstitutional,and this jackass, knows it. Pathetic,arogant, evil,racist,senile,old,puppet,fool, thinks he can walk all over Americans,be very careful, most tyrrants,don’t last long.

  5. Ask one of the Left tilted Anti-America DeomRATS What is an Assault rifle, what is the definition of it? [hint, it’s in Websters dictionary and Encyclopedia Britannica ] Next ask them if it’s acceptable and worth while to promote banning something that already is? 1933 Congress passed a Bill limiting Assault rifles to the Military and None for Civilians. Meaning Civilians can not posses actual assault rifles, unless they have a very special Federal License not easy Very HARD to get, Movie studios have them or they couldn’t make war movies like Saving private Ryan, Patton, Laurence of Arabia and so on . This was because of the criminals of that time favored assault rifles like the BAR Clyde Barrow favored those and colt 45 with those big round 100 shot clips used by The Mob in places like Chicago, like the ones you see in the old gangster movies
    People shoud studt their history a lot more

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