Biden Makes OUTRAGEOUS Gun Speech


Joe Biden is a mess. Not only can the man hardly get on or off stage, he can barely complete coherent sentences at times without a teleprompter (sometimes even with a teleprompter). It’s really sad to see.

And it’s an incredible frustration watching it from our side of the gun rights debate because, clearly, whoever is giving Biden his anti-2A talking points is horribly misinformed on history, law, liberty, and rights. Or doesn’t care about them.

Take a recent speech that Biden gave before a crowd of Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety. Biden couldn’t even get out a quote from Thomas Jefferson that he was trying to disagree with (as if Biden is even half the statesman that Jefferson was) as he was calling for more gun control with consistently incoherent statements. The BlazeTV staff writes,


President Joe Biden, in his speech at the Everytown for Gun Safety’s annual training conference, did what he always does any time he steps on the stage: made a complete fool of himself.

In the speech, Biden took a Trump comment completely out of context to make it sound like Trump doesn’t care about school shootings (Did the mainstream media learn that from Biden, or was it the other way around?), and Biden repeated a lie that he had been a law professor who had taught a class on the Constitution. The BlazeTV Staff continues:

Biden then went on to horribly butcher the famous line from Thomas Jefferson’s letter to William Stephens Smith in which he stated, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

But Biden’s version was: “the blood of liberty.” That’s it.

“I’ve never heard that phrase,” says Pat [Gray]. “He wasn’t even close.”

And, of course, Biden repeated the veiled threat to use F-15s against legal gun owners in America if the government oversteps its bounds and the people get upset.

You can hear the Biden clip, along with commentary, below.

When it comes to to pushing gun control or staying in office, it looks like Biden hasn’t found a lie or misrepresentation that he won’t say as if it were true.

The sheer audacity of the garbage that comes out of Biden’s mouth is truly breath taking (as in I find myself coughing and choking on the lies).

The American people deserve so much better than who we have in the White House right now.e



  1. My favorite comment was when Joey talked about the AFT ? 🤣 But to threaten the CITIZENS of America stating… ” You will need tanks and F-15’s to take me down ” W.T.F. ??? Biden should have been thrown in jail right then and there. !!! I 🤬🤬🤬

  2. Those who care about this country are often called old fashioned sentimentalists who long for a past that never really existed. But that’s the lie itself. The truth is there WAS a shiny city on a hill…..and it’s STILL standing, waiting for those who deserve her way of life and who are willing to stand up against those who’d deny all liberty to all others.

  3. I’m in the market for a cannon, if I can ever find one I can afford, especially since slow joe is STILL claiming I cannot own one (I can). I’ve seen some passable buys on scaled down versions so I’ll probably have to settle for one of those. The 4th is coming up real soon after all, what better way to salute the Republic 😉

    • I’m also looking for a scaled down cannon, the prices are absolutely north of stupid for a fresh off the lathe barrel, no carriage and almost no cleanup. What’s it take to turn a cannon barrel, not a whole lot. You could almost buy a lathe and the barrel material for the cost of some of the cannon barrels out there. I build miniatures, so I’ll be building my own historically correct carriage. In, the meantime, I’ve collected some pretty cool old Big Bang Cannons. Having found that the older they are the LOUDER they are! Other than the loud noise they are safe around the kiddos as long as they wear ear plugs, so they don’t end up with Tinnitus like me! I actually began collecting the Big Bang Cannons way before my desire to own a small-scale projectile lobbing version (golf ball size is the smallest I’m considering). One sort of interested me in the other! LoL! Can’t wait to rattle the neighbor’s windows with some real black powder action! They already comment as is!

    • I hear you even though I gave up celebrating the day/s of such things ! I used to have a small piece of artillary which I made myself yrs back. It was made of some really heavy wall tubing, like 3/4 inch thick stuff with a crude bore of about 2 maybe 2-1/2 aboout a ft long, been long enough since I last saw it, I forget. But the thing is, I made it for Black powder and musket caps by using a big drill bit about half the size of the bore, a 1 inch plate which I drilled and tapped a hole to thread in a bolt that I drilled through for the flash port then ground the threaded end down so the caps would fit over the bolt. Then I inserted that bolt in the plate, welded that to the tubing with a multi pass bead. I fashioned a hammer on a pivot with a spring and a sear lock. I mounted this on a couple of pc’s of steel for a stand and would fire it off at various places just for S%#t’s and giggles. Never failed to get a lot of attention and praises for the smoke cloud and sound of a 1/4 lb of powder going off at night with that muzzle blast/flash. I would take pc’s of wood and grind them down to fit the bore, roll up pc’s of cardboard, pack rocks in flannel rags, stuff wadded up newspapers, what ever I could put in my hands to pack in there. Thinking maybe it’s time to build another fun toy ! I’m even contemplating making my own powder now. It ain’t rocket science! I’m sure you have a drill or can know someone that does, a welder, a bit of thought put into it. These things are always going to be a 1 shot wonder but as an old friend told me way back in the 90’s about an old trapper and pioneer days gathering somewhere in NW Neb. about a guy that would show up with a pc that would take bowling balls, log chains, etc., he went through kegs of powder, that would get pricey if you weren’t up to making your own charcoal based flame brew. Anyhow, aside from having to pack up your stuff and relocate before the noise police caught up with you, wouldn’t want to stay anyplace long after the first shot, some people just don’t have much appreciation for this stuff. As for rattling windows, take extra caution because some windows break much easier than others! Wear hearing protection for sure and be prepared to pick yourself back up off the ground — I say this because it hasn’t just been a 1 time thing you laugh so hard. Several times I would let others fire it off and watch them fall down when it went BOOM! That’s really funny to watch but I guess when some people are celebrating, meaning having a few cold ones or even warm ones, they aren’t exactly up for what they experience. Some want to do it again, some say No Thanks. There were a couple of big strapping American Indian boys up on the Res. that wanted to try to hold in in their hands while firing this, that was pretty intertaining as they switched from shaking their sore hands and then putting those over their ears and laughing while cussing as they and the crowd around us watched that flaming tennis ball sail off across the pasture to the next guys place a few hundred yards over. Good thing it stopped burning before it touched down in that dry grass over there. So much for being responisble adults Huh ??? That guy with the bowling ball launcher, they all loved to watch the kids go fetching those balls in the woods across the valley. He packed a log chain in it a couple of time and fired it at old out houses and turned those into fire wood kindling. Like I stated, these aren’t hard to build.

  4. At the risk of offending someone — Socialist / Liar Joe is so stupid that he can’t pour PISS out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel!

  5. Leave it to Joe Biden. Talking about gun control and shooting off his mouth. He keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper.

  6. We’ll be firm folks for under certain rule from certain people has bad news for us and not believing what has been left to us by their writings.those believe they are right and all else is wrong.tgey will never change their minds about it but will get pissed off if challenged.their reaction is not good for it involveds looting murder and other mayhem that doesn’t look good at all.

    • Well I suppose the parts about looting and Mayhem are partially accurate but IMOP, those doing the looting aren’t truly going to be the one actually revolting. Mayhem might be fitting because as far as those attempting to force totalitarian control over those of us that claim to refuse to be controlled, and I say claim because it’s been a long time people have been saying the end is near and we’re still rolling along the same road towards more control and I was actually moved when they stormed the capitol building 4 years ago, but when I heard as many of the so callled facts shortly after that was over, I wasn’t quite as impressed as in the beginning. I’m pretty sure now that I’m not the only one that feels the political aspect of it was not near enough and as some say, in days past, the reason the Native Americans lost the war was because they just never got their game plan together for the game they needed to play. Sitting Bull came close but again close isn’t good enough for victory. Now as for history, those French people, well they’ve started their share of wars which others have had to step in and finish, Vietnam is a good example, all the crap happening in Africa lately another, they had to have 2 revolutions in 50 yrs to get a message across and still they can’t seem to get it right now. Right wing, left wing, centerists usually loosing. Makes me think about a time I was trying to navigate my way home in the mtn.s in heavy clouds, drive along at a snails pace till either the right wheel or left would drop off the road and turn the other way and repeat. 2 hrs. to go maybe 10 miles in the night to makes it worse.

  7. Joe Stalin Biden communist dictator of the United Soviet America and queen of the Anti gun Borg drones simply do not care it is delusional it thinks the constitution is only a suggestion not the actual law of the land this is why it executive order this mandate that bans the other thing to make an end run around Congress and the Senate to avoid debate it knows it will lose just like the green new deal and the inflation reduction act the idiotic office of gun violence prevention the disasterousbcollege dept relief nonsense it only has 1 and only 1 actual job to up hold and defend the constitution the 1 and only job it refuses to do

  8. It amazes me that all news organizations and left wing democrats and some Republicans claim that everything out of Trumps mouth is a made up story or a lie. I didn’t know you could stick your head so far into the left wing that you could deny the truths of our world today.
    We keep going and we will be Israel on a larger bloodier music concert.
    How can anybody allow the government of Lebanon survive that. If it was us and Mexico pulled that we wouldn’t stop until all those involved payed with their life or were jailed for the rest of it.
    We are next, they already have an army on american soil and they gather more intel every day. If America disarms their people the country will fall, it’s a fact, not some wild story. The Japanese claimed the only reason they didn’t attack American soil is because the non military population of America is the largest army in the world.

  9. America will not need Tanks or F 15 solders took an OATH to defend the constitution ( and most will honor it ) not unlawful orders …

  10. I had to laugh when Orson said that crap, my first thought was no, but a well made 308 bullet would stop your tyranny ,but my son said just hit him in the face with a fpv drone doing165 mph ! I love the future sometimes.

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