Was This An Anti-2A DEEP FAKE?


IF you pay attention to politics in Washington, you’ve probably heard Biden’s Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, say that any reports about Biden being physically or mentally unfit for office are false and that any videos showing that Biden is unfit are deep fakes, meaning that they are very realistic fakes for the purpose of spreading misinformation.

In light of Biden’s performance in the debate against Trump and his withdrawal from the 2024 Presidential race, it would seem that Jean-Pierre is who was spreading misinformation.

But using that same meaning for the term “deep fake,” we have to ask if a recent report out of California (of course) isn’t really just an anti-2A deep fake instead of a failure in their gun control policies? Jill McLaughlin writes,


Federal authorities arrested six men suspected of carrying out a nine-month burglary spree using a stolen car to ram into Southern California stores to steal over 300 firearms, the Los Angeles U.S. Attorney’s Office announced July 16.

The men are being held in state custody and are charged with conspiracy to steal firearms from a federal licensee.

McLaughlin continues:

Federal officials say suspects allegedly stole 312 guns during the crime spree and sold them on the black market. The firearms were later found in the possession of others during unconnected criminal investigations, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

So, California’s gun control laws didn’t stop hundreds of guns from being stolen and sold on the black market?

That can’t be possible! After all, gun control laws actually prevent criminals from getting their hands on guns! This has to be a deep fake!

Unless gun control laws don’t work on criminals because criminals, by definition, don’t obey laws.

My money, though, is on California Governor Gavin Newsom completely skipping addressing how this is the failure of gun control that it is. It doesn’t fit the narrative that he wants to put forth to push his anti-2A agenda.

But make no mistake: This was a massive failure in California’s gun control laws. No different than any of the other thousands and thousands of failures of gun control laws.

Because gun control doesn’t work, and saying that it does is what is misinformation.



  1. They can’t buy them so they steal them they still have them so what is the difference …

    • socialist Amerika needs better criminal control and a bold, exterminating system, just like the destroying of guns, when this stupidity first started, back in the 1990’s. totally useless

  2. It’s the same old thing with these people if they can qualify as people, you know the old saying, what seperates people from animals? The power to reason ! I have no suitable idea of what a solution is to deal with people, I say people with this disposition to ignore the Constitution, peoples rights to defend and every other right the Constitution is supposed to protect. Maybe it’s just time to have it out with them and see how it turns out? The rest of the world has had more then enough time to figure out gun control doesn’t work when the people aren’t controlled but maybe that’s what those liberals are after, control over the people, if so, I think the people have a different idea, if not, they will after the control is forced on them. Some day history will be remembered for what it is, a record of what did or didn’t work.

    • we have plenty of proof of history on this subject. Sadly there is no longer any people to testify to what happened. They are dead. In socialist Amerika, they can still vote…. (but only for the demon-rat party)

  3. People don’t study or even know the law, and there rights. check out this one !
    Here it is :
    rgued March 24-25, 1886

    Decided May 10, 1886

    118 U.S. 425


    This Court follows the decisions of the highest court of a state in construing the constitution and laws of the state unless they conflict with or impair the efficacy of some principle of the federal Constitution or of a federal statute or a rule of commercial or general law.

    The decisions of state courts on questions relating to the existence of its subordinate tribunals and the eligibility and election or appointment of their officers and the passage of its laws are conclusive upon federal courts.
    Page 118 U. S. 442

    It is manifest that endless confusion would result if in every proceeding before such officers their title could be called in question. But the idea of an officer implies the existence of an office which he holds. It would be a misapplication of terms to call one an “officer” who holds no office, and a public office can exist only by force of law. This seems to us so obvious that we should hardly feel called upon to consider any adverse opinion on the subject but for the earnest contention of plaintiff’s counsel that such existence is not essential, and that it is sufficient if the office be provided for by any legislative enactment, however invalid. Their position is that a legislative act, though unconstitutional, may in terms create an office, and nothing further than its apparent existence is necessary to give validity to the acts of its assumed incumbent. That position, although not stated in this broad form, amounts to nothing else. It is difficult to meet it by any argument beyond this statement: an unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed. Do more research on this as we are being run over by unconstitutional “LAWS”? and By unelected “OFFICERS” ?

    • many in socialist Amerika have NO IDEA what damage Abraham Lincoln did to the republic of We the People, worship him to this day. He is the main reason Amerika is swimming in lies to this day. We were “semi-safe” before the insurrection of Nov. 22 1963. THAT all changed. We have spent $23 trillion on the unGREATful SOCIETY since 1965. Not one poster child exist. still separate, still NOT equal. now bankrupt…. morally, financially, spiritually. GOD will throw all cowards into hell.

  4. The 2nd Amendment is the only way to protect the 1st amendment.
    And as you know it’s fact our media news channels are propaganda outlets pushing an agenda.
    Anytime a a Regime disarms it’s citizens, atrocities soon fallow.
    History has proven this to be true

  5. Can you believe that Gruesome Newsome is included in the Dumocrats search for a V.P.?
    I’m sure he could do a much better job of screwing
    Up the country than he has screwing up Calif. If someone is dumb enough to vote for him they must have their head glued where the sun doesn’t shine!
    I believe he is drinking to much of his $15’00.00 dollar wine. He is to much of a Schumer brain. (When the Schumer hits the fan!)
    He will do his very best to take your guns.
    Many years ago l was a Dumocrat. Feinstein changed me when she said, well Mr.and Mrs. America, were going to take your guns! At that time l believe l developed some common since. I haven’t voted for a Dumocrat in over 50 years. We can’t trust them.

    • when you are FORCED to send half of what you produce, to an abusive gov’t., for “permission” to live on GOD’s green earth, are you really free? YOU must be able to prove it…. or IT ain’t true

  6. The state of MASSACHUSETTS and the Democratic hacks that run it pass all types of gun laws. This makes them all feel good but does nothing because as was stated above the criminals do not obey the laws.
    Case in point the brain-dead politicians in this state passed a 10-round magazine law, but the criminals have 12,15,18,20, or 30-round magazines. and in some cases a 50-round magazine that fit on a GLOCK
    Is there anyone in this State at had anything left of the brain the GOOD LORD GAVE THEM?

  7. I WONDER JUST HOW MANY OF THE POLITICIANS IN Massachusetts have ever handled a weapon or have actually fired a weapon. But they still pass laws that they know nothing about

    • many in our federal gov’t. CANNOT apply for a credit card because of bad credit. THEY spend and waste YOUR money all the time? I know who the fool (slave) is in this equation…..


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