BREAKING: Biden Drops Out. What Now?


Well, the 2024 Presidential race just took an unexpected turn. The party that says that they oppose Donald Trump because he is an “existential threat to democracy” found a way to get the democratically chosen candidate for the Democratic Party in this election to withdraw from the race which means that those delegates for Biden won’t go to the candidate that Democrats voted for in the primaries.

It could be a parody of the race if it hadn’t actually happened.

Now, we know what Joe Biden’s positions on the issues have been. It’s no secret. On the Second Amendment, his entire position can be summed up with: “I’ll pretend that I support the Second Amendment while actively doing everything that I can to strip you of those Second Amendment rights.”


With Biden out of the race, though, what are we looking at as far as the Democrat who will be running against Trump?

One likely answer is that Kamala Harris will be who runs against Trump for President. After all, Biden has put his support behind Harris, and Democrat donors are rallying behind her already. As of this writing, Obama hasn’t put his support behind Harris, though, so, while likely, a Trump versus Harris race isn’t a definite thing, yet.

If Harris does get the Democrat nomination this year, though, what will her policies on the Second Amendment be? The answer to that is easy. Harris gave her stance on gun rights in her 2019 campaign. Is there any reason to think that they’ve changed? From the PBS site:

A self-described “good marksman,” Harris is also a vocal supporter of increased gun control. She co-sponsored a bill to ban assault weapons and the sale of high-capacity magazines, defined as those which can fire more than 10 rounds without reloading. As California’s attorney general, Harris defended a state law that blocked gun dealers from displaying signs that show or describe handguns. (The law was later overturned.) She also launched a statewide sweep to capture firearms from anyone illegally possessing them.

That’s right, Harris will do her best to have the Federal government continue to run roughshod over Americans’ 2A rights, and it seems likely that she would be even worse about it than Biden has been.

Harris would be terrible for Americans’ rights, not just their 2A rights. We have to do all that we legally, ethically, and morally can to keep her or any other Democrat out of the White House. The American people deserve better than four more years of their nonsense.



  1. What’s next, good question. But it won’t be good if the De
    well as i see it, it will be one of these being put into the VP selection likely this order….Obama, Michelle a real looser, And her hubby, hell bent on ruining America. After all he has been running Biden’s policies going on till now. Lastly it could be Newson who has ruined CA and can’t account for the 50 million “missing” from the coffers. My guess on that one is it’s in one of his pockets somewhere. Just another corrupt politician IMO.
    I ised to live in SF, and it was clean and beautiful. Not much of that, there, these days. Garbage all over, homeless all over needles and such all over. It is a mess. Pelosi had something to do with all that too. But then she is related to Newson and lives in SF. Go figure on that one.

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