Kamala Harris Gets KEY Endorsement. What Does That Mean For Your 2A Rights?


Kamala Harris is a piece of work. If you’re from the South, you know that isn’t a complementary statement. Instead it means that that person is difficult to like and get along with and, frankly, probably needs therapy (or to be taken out back behind the barn and have some sense beat into them. But we’re not condoning violence here…).

Harris, after all, is the bumbling person who rambles incoherently like a sixth grader giving an oral book report but, not actually having read the book, is trying to fill up space and sound intelligent when it’s clear to everyone watching that this is a slow motion trainwreck that they’re seeing right before their eyes.

That is Kamala Harris in a nutshell.


You have to wonder how she got to be Vice President. Until you learn about how she got her break into California politics in the first place. But this is a family friendly site, so, we won’t talk about that today.

Harris, this woefully unlikable and, by all reports, incompetent person, just got a key endorsement which means that it’s almost certain that she’ll be the Democrat candidate to run against Trump in this November’s election. Tom Ozimek writes,

Vice President Kamala Harris’s 2024 presidential campaign got a boost on July 26 as former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama announced their endorsement of her bid for the White House.

The endorsement came in the form of a video shared by Ms. Harris, in which she accepts a joint phone call from the Obamas, as she seeks to build momentum as the Democratic Party’s likely nominee after President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the campaign.

“We called to say Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” the former president told Ms. Harris, who is shown taking the call while backstage at an event.

So, what’s this mean for this election and our gun rights? It means that Harris will be even more firmly in the political left’s pocket and will undoubtedly do everything that she possibly can to turn our country into a banana republic where she’ll be the dictator, and rule of law (especially the Constitution and our Second Amendment rights) won’t mean anything.

We have to do all that we legally, morally, and ethically can to keep Harris out of office. She’ll likely make Biden seem like a truly great President. Which, if you think about it, would take a lot of work for anyone but Harris to do.



  1. This is disturbing news for any responsible gun owner in the US . I hope and pray that Trump wins this election. I feel he needs to use restraint when speaking. If he can do that he will win. God help us if he looses.

    • either way, emasculated men need to have a SPINE installed into their torso. Need to drive our states into a free & sovereign mode AGAIN. 164 years of Amerikan socialism is 163 to many. RED states need to leave, separate, secede from this abusive, EVIL empire.

  2. Kamala is just as corrupt as her previous Boss….She’s totally corrupt and changes positions on everything like the wind blows…the only black in her is Willie Brown. She has ZERO national experience and Zero Accomplishments….Here’s the topper though…..How could ANYONE actually call her Commander in Chief????

    • Actually ,she would be the commode in chief , full of crappy ideas . The oval office will be run not from the desk of the president but rather from a mattress and knee pads . Heels up Harris in charge with legs spread !

  3. I’m a Veteran, Gun Loving Black/ Italian registered republican and can say Trump never served nationally either. He even skipped the military when he had the chance. I believe a requirement for presidents should be that they served in the military for at least 6 years before they can run for that office or legislation offices. But with that being said I will vote for ALF !!! If I know ALL my rights will be preserved and also not worry about some bodybuilder guy in Halloween make up identifying as the same gender as my daughter and walk in the same bathroom as her!!! SCARY 😱 THOUGHT!!!

  4. All I can say is………She best not even THINK about abolishing the 2nd Amendment. She may have 90 million guns pointing at her!———–If she somehow gets CHEATED in, (She could Never win in an Honest Election), Our country will be doomed!

    • no matter who wins, socialist Amerika (1865-2024) is doomed. what more proof do you need

  5. I agree with Joe B’s comment – Trump needs to use some restraint when speaking and get off the personal attacks about ethnicity, place of birth and those type of things. Just hit them hard on their lack of accomplishments and their platform that allows open borders and crime in the streets.

  6. This is the honeymoon period for the Kamel and the hardcore libtards. In the end she won’t win. Intelligent people know not to vote for the Kamel. Most are sick of the Barak rule. I worry about their ILLEGALS voting and the fraud. Illegals have been given a way to vote by the dumbs. We all know that is the only way they can win. Don’t forget, they didn’t take anyone from Cuba. Why? They know communism and won’t stand for it here so they won’t vote dem. They can’t win without massive fraud, lies and deceit. The new Batman Villain, “The Cackler” wins, we know it is pure fraud and we will need a 1776 or in this case a 2024, no holds barred. Let’s hope we can avoid that and Trump wins and rounds them ALL up on treason charges. Convict them and publicly hanged. All the way from the elites at the top and every actor inbetween including to the bottom, even the clerks that helped them in their treasonous acts. But they need due process first!!

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