Is It TRUE What Trump Said About You? [Video]


Usually when you hear about Presidential candidates talking about gun owners, it tends to be those who are on the more left side of the political spectrum who are the ones talking.

Of course, that means that when politicians talk about gun owners, they are usually slandering gun owners by blaming legal gun owners for gun violence which, ironically, overwhelmingly happens in areas with strict gun control. But the mainstream legacy media allows left-leaning politicians to get away with that even though it’s a complete lie.

And if isn’t blaming legal gun owners for the gun violence in areas with strict gun control (which, again, simply proves that gun control doesn’t work), then, those anti-2A politicians are, basically, calling legal gun owners mentally ill people who are looking for any excuse to pull the trigger and kill people.


Never mind that legal gun owners have a lower crime rate even than law enforcement officers. Or that gun violence statistically is more likely to come from people who vote Democrat than those who tend to vote Republican. Or that the crime of gun violence is caused by people who are criminals. Which, once you realize that the definition of a criminal is someone who breaks the law, not a law-abiding person, blaming law-abiding people for crimes comes across as the absolutely absurd statement that it is.

But in this case, we aren’t talking about a Democrat or political liberal or leftist that is talking about gun owners. No, it’s actually Donald Trump, in a video to a Gun Owners of America convention, that is talking about gun owners, and he makes a surprising statement about gun owners. Watch the video below.

What do you think about that? Do legal gun owners tend not to vote?

Frankly, I haven’t seen the stats on how likely that gun owners are to vote, but if they aren’t voting, then, can it be argued that those non-voting gun owners are to blame for the current Biden/Harris administration and, if Harris wins in November, to blame for the nightmare that a Harris/Walz administration would almost certainly be?

Tell us your thoughts on that below.
