FUNNIEST Trolling Of ‘Gun Control’ Ever?


Are you familiar with the concept of trolling? If you’re of a more “seasoned” age, then, this may not be a term that you’re familiar with. Basically, trolling is an online term for mocking someone else, usually in comments on articles or videos, often in an effort to get a rise out of them.

Now, much of the trolling that I’ve seen online has been juvenile and, in many cases, just plain mean and offensive. No sense of fun whatsoever (unless your sense of fun is laughing at someone when they want to punch you in the face for calling them some offensive name).

I have, however, seen trolling that nearly rises to the level of an art form. Often this kind of trolling is a type of satire. Think of the way that The Babylon Bee made videos mocking advocates of gun control for their extraordinary ignorance about both guns and human nature. Very funny stuff.


Today, we have an instance of trolling in the real world, though, not online trolling. What is going on is that the State of New Jersey decided to have stickers printed that they’ll send out, along with an “anti-gun business registry.” And what do those stickers say? Just that your business and property is a gun-free zone (all on the taxpayers’ dime, of course).

If you’ve been paying attention to gun-free zones and their statistics, then, you know that this has the effect of people self-selecting to be the victims of crime (because criminals target gun-free zones).

The trolling of this New Jersey program started quickly and has some funny, funny stuff to it. You can watch the video below (warning, some language not safe for work).

I have to say that I appreciate a good, funny troll, and this certainly qualifies (even if some of them were crass).

What do you think about this troll effort against stupid anti-2A ideas in New Jersey? Tell us in the comments below.



  1. Yep it sure like she wants people like to go away and have no guns there and be wonderfully piece there.butifull dreamer she is.wants rainbows unicorns and pie in the sky from the government.chrisvrahnos045@gmail

  2. This is fantastic.I feel safer knowing that people wasted government money for a sticker that won’t do anything. I love the way she presents this video. Well done, young lady!

  3. Love me some Liberty Doll, and no, I am not from Tyler TX, but have lots of relatives and friends there.

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