Newsom Is At It AGAIN


California Governor Gavin Newsom is the poster boy (at least in the U.S.) for leftist political causes, so, it’s no surprise that he hasn’t met a gun control bill that he hasn’t drooled over and been eager to sign.

Even when he knows that they’re unconstitutional and will get nullified in court.

And, for better or for worse, Newsom isn’t one to give up trying to push his backwards thinking on guns and gun control. It’s sad on the one hand and downright evil on the other.


Knowing all of that, it comes as no surprise to know that Newsom is pushing for more gun control in California. What may come as a surprise is how many gun control bills that he signed.


That’s not a typo. He signed 22 bills into law. Travis Gillmore writes,

Vowing that “California won’t wait” until the next mass shooting to act, Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 24 signed a package of bills with a goal of strengthening firearms regulations and preventing gun violence.

Gillmore continues:

The governor said the new laws advance the Golden State’s “nation leading” gun statutes.

“California won’t wait until the next school shooting or mass shooting to act,” Newsom said in a press release announcing the legislative enactments. “Data shows that California’s gun safety laws are effective in preventing gun-related deaths—which makes the ongoing inaction and obstruction by politicians in the pocket of the gun lobby even more reprehensible.”

The laws’ provisions cover a range of topics, from protecting children—with stricter safe storage requirements and stronger penalties for firearm owners whose guns are accessed by minors with an ensuing death or injury—to reducing and preventing firearm-related hate crimes—by requiring more training for law enforcement officials, identifying extremism, and facilitating more effective restraining orders.

“Nation leading?” Newsom is modest, too, obviously.

Yeah, sure.

So, essentially, Newsom is pretending (as usual) that he and his cronies in the California state government have a clue about how the world really works and that his office is actually telling the truth about gun control and its effects.

It’s just absurd that anyone even listens to that guy anymore.

Sadly for the people of California, they’re having to deal with a state government that seems bent on turning their state into clown world, and no one should have to deal with that nonsense.



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