Hypocrisy Over IDs


Today we have another story from the land of crazy political leftism that denies reality and that punishes their law-abiding citizens.

That’s right, we’re talking about California.

And, of course, the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, hasn’t met a leftist policy position that he doesn’t want to implement. Even if it’s hypocritical to do so.


It just doesn’t make any sense in that governor’s mansion sometimes.

If you question that at all, you’ll see exactly what I mean when you read further.

To start, let’s go to Travis Gillmore, who writes,

The governor approved on Sept. 29 Senate Bill 1174, introduced by state Sen. Dave Min, which prohibits local governments from enacting laws that require voter identification.

The bill targeted Huntington Beach after the city’s voters approved a measure in March that requires election officials to check identification at polling sites.

Now, we’re a site that talks about guns and issues around guns, so, we’re not going to comment about this voter ID bill except to point out that, in contrast with other laws in California supported by Newsom, it’s absolutely hypocritical. From Guns America:

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says California Gov. Gavin Newsom is a hypocrite for signing a law barring local governments from requiring voter identification, while still expecting gun buyers to provide ID before exercising their Second Amendment rights.

And you know something? This organization is right for calling Newsom a hypocrite. Guns America continues:

“Gavin Newsom’s hypocrisy evidently knows no limits,” said CCRKBA Managing Director Andrew Gottlieb. “Demanding background checks and positive identification to buy a gun, but not requiring ID to vote essentially treats the Second Amendment as a second-class right, and the U.S. Supreme Court has already made it clear that sort of double standard is off the table.

It’s abundantly clear that Newsom, like most political liberals doesn’t care about the Constitution, American citizens, or your rights.

He just cares about power and control, and it’s disgusting.



  1. They introduced a bill to outlaw militia’s. They allow cops to kill anyone. Dept of homeland security says we can expect terrorist attacks soon, due to Biden allowing open borders. And they are trying to DISARM AMERICAN CITIZENS.

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