Leftist Governor Couldn’t Stand The Heat Over Her Gun Policy?


There’s an old saying that goes, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.” That’s generally good advice in that it means that you shouldn’t get into a fight that you can’t finish (and win).

That advice should especially apply to the idea of starting a fight. Don’t do it unless you can win it (and in the case of an actual physical fight, don’t start one at all. Try to avoid them if at all possible).

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who you may remember implemented a gun ban in parts of her state (see here for more about that), may have started to get that concept recently.


Or, more likely, she knew that she couldn’t win, so, she gave up before she got a black eye in court.

The important thing, though, is that she did give up her illegal gun ban. Zachary Stieber writes,

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Oct. 16 announced that she is letting a ban on firearms expire, about a year after it was first imposed.

Grisham issued an executive order in September 2023 banning guns at public places such as parks in Bernalillo County, which includes Albuquerque.

The order was later narrowed to apply only to parks and playgrounds.

“The public health order, though temporary, allowed us to implement urgent and necessary measures that have had a measurable, positive effect on public safety in our state,” Grisham said in a statement. “I have decided to allow the public health order to expire, but our fight to protect New Mexico communities from the dangers posed by guns and illegal drugs will continue.”

Now, if that last paragraph were true, if the gun ban has “had a measurable, positive effect on public safety,” do you really think that she would be allowing the ban to expire instead of fighting it in court?

No, of course not. At least not if the gun ban was really about saving lives.

And, conveniently, the ban is expiring while in the middle of a lawsuit about the constitutionality of the ban. It looks suspiciously like she couldn’t handle the heat from the fire that she started.

Let’s be frank here, though. The ban was never really about saving lives. It was about controlling the people in that state and preventing people from being able to resist tyrannical governments. You know, governments like hers.



  1. You can’t fix stupid. How do these corrupt assholes ever get elected in the first place. Democrats are the corrupt politicians pushing their stupid agenda on hard work Americans. All politicians should have their pay cut in half and only real people who want to make America Great will do it for Americans best interests not steal over payed do nothing politicians. That will keep lazy politicians out of government corruption if the can’t cheat the system. Die hard true Americans who would work for very little pay will understand how real people try to survive. These greedy politicians forget what it’s like to work every day and get
    1 or 2 weeks vacation a year. Have to pay for all benefits out of pocket. Don’t get weeks and months time of and shut down the government. Quit their job an still get their salary and benefits for life these are the corrupt crooked criminals of our government. This needs to be totally reformed these politicians are destroying and screwing taxpayers billions of dollars every year while most Americans need to work 2 and 3 jobs just to put food on the table. Tired of these politicians winning every day trying to take Americans free rights away from the people. They forgot they work for the people the taxpayers people.
    So shut your stupid pie holes and stop taking away our lives and freedom with your stupid corrupt incompetent ideals.

  2. I am retired. Consider myself a Constitutional Independent. Both parties (and just about anyone entering national politics) have failed this country. At 70, I have seen a freighter load of people entering Congress as middle to upper middle class and coming out millionaires. They have sprinted quickly from their pandering speeches to do exactly what they always wanted to do – getting rich off their constituents and the special interest groups controlling every move and policy.
    There are only a few politicians I can call statesmen – very few.
    No matter how you all vote, the dye has been cast. Whoever wins this presidency will be installed. Things happen for a reason especially in politics and because of her crimes, immorality, arrogance and pride America will go the way of Rome, Greece, Babylon, Israel and others who saw themselves as great. Americans are caught between a rock and a hard place, but it is their own doing.
    Since the 1950s we have accepted the ‘easy materialistic life’ with open arms.

  3. Sue and Michael sure said everything right. I believe in the American flag, Constitution, and being a Patriot. Thank you for beautiful words,I wish the rest of the country could read this. Thanks again

  4. The fact is she “breached her oath of office”and taking tax-payers money, ( A Paycheck ) under false pretenses, making her a felon, yet they all keep getting away with it daily through out our dying nation and the cops just follow these unconstitutional laws? Read breach of ones oath here and look up the penalty also. “Title 5 U.S.C. Section 7311 & 1333” The penalty is in “Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1918” and spread this word around !

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