Satire Site Suggests Gun Control Law That You May Actually SUPPORT!


I never in my life, not once, (never!) believed that I would ever find a gun control law that made sense to me. I just couldn’t see it happening. I mean, legal gun ownership clearly saves lives. It clearly makes a positive difference in our world. It clearly makes the world a safer place even for people who don’t own guns.

But, then, The Babylon Bee proposed a gun control law that actually was common sense. Yes, real life, common sense gun control that, I have to admit, I would actually support.

What is this groundbreaking gun control proposal? The headline of The Babylon Bee‘s article makes it clear:


Gun Owners Call For Common-Sense Democrat Control

Now, of course, I’m kidding. I don’t support gun control. At all.

But, after another Democrat candidate did stupid things with and around guns, I do think that it would be incredibly smart for Democrats to actually take a firearms class and know what they’re talking about before making any kind of suggestions or proclamations about guns or gun control.

And while it’s not Kamala Harris’s VP pick, Tim Walz, looking like a fool with a firearm, I do think it likely that the insane things that Democrat Missouri Senate candidate Lucas Kunce did is the norm among the leftists calling for gun control. Joseph Mackinnon writes,

In an apparent effort to outdo Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s embarrassing hunting-themed photo op, Democratic Senate candidate Lucas Kunce attended a sport shooting campaign event Tuesday north of Kansas City with Harris booster Adam Kinzinger.

Unlike Walz, Kunce, a gun control advocate trying to unseat Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), actually hit something — or rather somebody: KSHB-TV reporter Ryan Gamboa.

According to the Kansas City Star, Kunce was firing a rifle at a private residence when a bullet fragment ricocheted off a steel target at close range and struck the reporter in the arm.

Yes, a reporter was injured during a photo op. It’s horrible that it happened.

And once you have even more details about the situation, you’ll realize how insane this whole situation was and how dangerous this leftist politician with a gun can be. Again, from Mackinnon:

After dwelling on photos from the disastrous photo op, Sean Davis, co-founder of the Federalist, highlighted other issues Kunce and Kinzinger apparently failed to register:

– “They are shooting steel at 5-7 yards with rifles, which could’ve killed somebody given the force with which the bullets will ricochet off the steel targets at [that] distance. You would instantly get permanently banned at my range if you did that. Zero questions asked.”

– “Kinzinger holds his rifle like a complete ninny, and that will never not be funny to me. And pro-tip for @AdamKinzinger: the eye protection works better when it’s on your eyes, not your head. You stupid idiot. Try using your brain for once. You’re lucky you still have one after today.”

– “Kinzinger is for some reason using a high-powered scope (at least a 3-9x by the looks of it) to shoot a target 5 yards away.”

– “There is a bolt action rifle on the table, so presumably someone was also using that to shoot steel at 5 yards. Insane.”

– “There are at least two canisters of explosive Tannerite powder on the table, down range from where guns are being fired. That could’ve potentially killed or seriously injured someone if someone shot it or if someone was stupid enough to be shooting close enough to steel for a ricochet to hit it.”

– “At one point the cameraman is down range from all the guns, which — given the violations we’ve found so far — we can assume are not safe and unloaded. Way to think that one through, dummy.”

This is, frankly, one of the most gun situations that I’ve ever seen (outside of a war zone or criminal incident), and whoever set up this photo op clearly doesn’t have a single clue about gun safety.

They also have no business putting their hands on a firearm. No business at all.

But it’s clowns like this that think that they have some kind of wisdom and moral authority to put restrictions on your gun rights. When they have absolutely no understanding about gun safety or gun usage.

They are utterly ridiculous.



  1. Why aren’t children taught gun safety in grade school with further courses in middle and high school?

  2. And its the moron Democrat Senate Candidate, Lucas Kunce, that will be leading the charge to ban whatever manner of firearm he was using on metal plates at 5 to 7 yards. (Can you spell MORON?). I can hear it now, “These guns must be banned and confiscated, when even I, a senatorial candidate, focused purely on safety, fired a gun at a target that somhow, through no fault of mine, injured the poor reporter.”

  3. Hi.well back was in school they did have a shooting club that one could attend.once a year the Coach of the club come into classrooms and speak about gun safety to us.a few later it went away and the school sold all the rifles they had and ended the program.tis a crying thing to have happen but that is when gun free zones started today we have anti gun folks out there that want nothing to do with them and want others to be the force if flag laws any one?

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