The ‘Gold Standard’ For American-Made Micro Compact Pistols?

Screen capture from YouTube video.

For many people, Glock is the standard by which they measure all pistols. And there’s good reason for that. After all, Glock has a well-earned reputation for dependability, and many people love the ability to customize their Glocks.

But there is another well-respected firearms manufacturer that gun people almost universally praise, too, though, it doesn’t tend to get as much love in the American marketplace as Glock does.

That manufacturer? Heckler & Koch (HK).


HK fans are as fanatical about their guns as Glock fans are about Glocks.

But HK is a different animal than Glocks. Besides manufacturing more than just pistols, HK does their best to make their firearms different from other guns in the same category, and they test them to the point that most people would probably think is extreme. And HK’s new micro compact pistol is no exception to those rules. What makes it different from other micro compact pistols? For starters, it’s a HK. And also where the CC9 is made. Rob Garrett writes,

This week, HK-USA announced their long-awaited entrance into the micro compact space. The CC9 represents a new direction and commitment from HK-USA. It is the first HK product to be conceived, designed, and built in America. The CC9, “CC” for “Concealed Carry”, is designed in the U.S. for the U.S. market. This is a significant change for the company. It represents over five years of development, testing, and validation. To that end, the CC9 may be the toughest, and most tested compact 9mm pistol on the market today. 

Garrett continues:

During the five years of development, the CC9 underwent multiple design changes, to meet the stringent requirements set forth in the concept document. The goal was to have the pistol meet, or exceed, HK’s standards for full-size duty guns. It also had to meet the NATO AXC/225 requirements for reliability and durability. However, the NATO test is shot only using 9mm 124 gr. NATO ball.

The CC9 has also met the same requirements using American commercial ammunitions. During the development process, HK-USA expended over 750,000 rounds of ammunition to ensure that the CC9 met expectations.

Garrett is obviously pretty impressed with this pistol, and Garrett notes that the CC9 comes with a rail and is optics ready.

You can see the CC9 in action in the video below (language warning for the video).

With an MSRP of $699, if you’re wanting a concealed carry pistol that looks like will be incredibly dependable, but you don’t want a Glock, then Heckler & Koch’s CC9 may be one to consider.
