CRAZY: New 3D Printer Software To Report You To Cops Even If You Can Legally Have Guns


I have to (grudgingly) give it to anti-2A crazies. They are sometimes pretty inventive in their efforts to steal our gun rights. Now, that doesn’t mean that they’re right to do that (they aren’t). It does mean, though, that we need to always be on our toes.

Here’s what is going on: Anti-2A zealots have had some serious (and well-deserved) setbacks in their efforts to steal our guns. Supreme Court cases such as the Bruen case have opened up the playing field so that Americans are able to fight back against crazy governments to take back their constitutional rights.

That’s a good thing. Unless you’re under the delusion that gun control actually saves lives (it doesn’t).


Add to this that President-elect Donald Trump has promised to support our Second Amendment rights and has even floated the idea of national carry permit reciprocity which would mean that your permit from your state would give you legal right to carry even in anti-gun states (you can read more about that here).

So, what they’re trying now is to completely get around government taking your gun rights by getting software included with 3d printers that will either prevent you from printing gun parts or will call law enforcement on you if you try to actually print gun parts with your 3d printer (even if you’re legally allowed to do that where you live).

You can find out more about this situation in the video below.

Frankly, while this disgusts me, it doesn’t really surprise me. After all, anti-2A zealots have never been those who actually care about facts or what is right. They care about making you obey their viewpoints.

My advice? Either be careful to check what software comes with your 3d printer to avoid getting this malware (that’s software that is used for evil, like viruses).

Or you can avoid the issue completely by building your own ghost guns which use methods other than 3d printers.



  1. Human species is made basically of two types: Those who want to live and let live, and those who want to stick their nose up your ass. All nuances of politics and social activity flow from this diameteically opposite personality type dichotomy. This is not learned, it is a genetically loaded irresistible biological imperative to action. If we could identify the genes, we could ameliorate the problem. Let’s get on with it. There is too much scum on the pond with too many noses.

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