New Senate Majority Leader. What Does That Mean For American Gun Owners?


The recent re-election of Donald Trump to the Presidency has been huge news, and it has sparked the expected elation and outrage, depending on your side of the political aisle.

Trump’s re-election wasn’t the only big news from the election, though. In fact the election was called a “red wave” for a reason: Republicans kept control of the House, and they took control of the Senate from the Democrats.

That’s right, Republicans control both houses of Congress and the Presidency. They have the opportunity to make big changes, rolling back Democrat policies from the Biden and Obama Presidencies and, hopefully, remake America with a return to a Constitutional republic instead of the push towards the left that we’ve seen over the last few decades.


And along those lines, it looks like Republicans in the Senate aren’t wasting time in putting leadership in place that prioritize our Second Amendment rights. A writer going by Larry Z gives us details:

Washington Gun Law President William Kirk shared exciting news for 2A advocates in his latest video update.

From a chilly spot in Central Washington, Kirk announced that Senator John Thune (R) from South Dakota has been elected as the new Senate Majority Leader, a development he described as a “huge, huge win for the Second Amendment.”

Larry Z continues:

Thune emerged as the winner after a two-round vote. According to Kirk, Thune holds an impressive track record on Second Amendment issues, backed by an “A+” rating from the NRA.

Kirk emphasized that Thune “has not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues but has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.”

You can watch Kirk’s full (under five minutes) video commentary on Thune’s selection as Senate Majority Leader below.

This really is a great opportunity for Republicans to undo the damage that Democrats have done to the Second Amendment, and we should encourage them to do exactly that (maybe be even firmer with those Republicans who haven’t been as firmly pro-2A in the past).

We haven’t had this much possibility to do real good in this country in decades. Let’s make the most of it.



  1. Call me when the ATF is reigned in. The rest is just noise.
    We don’t need universal carry laws, we need to do away with the need to have any permit for any firearm to exercise our Constitutional right to bear arms.

  2. The same socialist have been wanting to tax your very breathe. They saw that we were breathing free. Called Algore to see if he wanted to run the new tax scheme, since he is so smart and all….

  3. “… This really is a great opportunity for Republicans to undo the damage that Democrats have done to the Second Amendment …”

    the ONLY way that the GOP can “… undo the damage that democrats have done…” is to put in place TRUE CONSERVATIVES in ALL leadership positions and to ensure that the typical RINO nonsense does NOT hinder the process of purging the swamp. and by “purging” i mean that these criminals that are in leadership positions (on BOTH sides of the aisle) get arrested, removed from office and brought to trial to face the stiffest penalties for their crimes. as for the democrat side of the aisle, put in any name you want. for the GOP, put in people like mcconnell, cheney (sp??), at least 2 of the 3 senators that were up for mcconnell’s position (possibly all 3), romney, christy, halley, pence etc…

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