If Anti-Gunners Really Want To Protect Children, They Need To Ban Water!


When politicians and special interest groups parade that we need to do something “for the children,” we know that they are trying to get us emotionally involved and not thinking. The first thing that we need to do when we hear that we need to do something for the children, is step back and look at the bigger perspective because there is a good chance that perspective will gives us a different opinion of the situation.

A perfect example is, of course, gun control. the Florida chapter of Moms Demand Action recently posted a news story from the Miami Herald on Facebook with the headline “Floridians oblivious to an epidemic of accidental child shootings.” (Has anyone else noticed that posting on Facebook seems to be Moms Demand Action’s favorite type of “activism?”) The fake news… er… news story, of course, took an anti-gunner position.

So, what kind of horrific numbers are we looking at in this epidemic? Miguel at gunfreezone.net gives us some perspective:


So for ages ranging from zero to 14 (“Do it for the Children!”) we have 49 deaths by accidental firearms and 647 by drowning.  Thirteen time more by water than by bullets.  And that is for a total of just under 11 million pools in the USA, bit somehow thee same idiots expect zero accidents in a country with 350 million firearms which they know is impossible but have no issue peddling the idea they can make it happen if you only vote for them and give them money. […]

Now, if we follow the instruction book of the Opposition, we should start an immediate campaign against this  malady by denouncing   “rogue” pool builders, having demonstrations in front of pool supply stores like Pinch a Penny and we should even go ahead and ban water. […]

Yes, it sounds that stupid applied to anything, but Gun Control groups are not after Gun Safety and will stand in the way of teaching safetyeven if it kills your kid.

The fact of the matter is that life is inherently unsafe. It’s even more unsafe when you aren’t educated about how to use dangerous things safely. Despite what anti-gunners want you to believe, a perfectly “safe” life is impossible, no matter how many laws are passed, no matter how much money is thrown at the issue. Your best chance of safety in life is not to try to completely eliminate danger but to learn how to minimize risk and how to safely use dangerous things.

That’s what adults do, so teach your kids to be adults, not to cry out for a nonexistent “safe” life.



  1. I think banning water might be going too far. How about requiring the warning: “WARNING: MAY BE FATAL IF INHALED” for any water that could be accessed by a potential victim?

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