Do You Need To Buy A Small Gun For Your TINY HANDS? [Video]


There’s a common thought out there that you have to have larger hands to be able to handle your pistol, reload, and get back into the fight quickly if you are ever in a dangerous situation.

But is that really true?

That’s the question that we’re looking to answer today.


Now, I don’t think anyone can argue that hand size is important to factor into your training and choice of firearm. After all, the size of your hands is going to make some firearms more or less practical for you than other firearms of a different size.

For example, if you have really huge hands, you may not be able to use a microcompact pistol for your everyday carry because your hands may be too large to get an effective hold on the often shorter grips for those types of pistols. Also, with a two-handed grip, your larger hands can get in the way of effective shooting.

On the flip side, if your hands are too small, you may not be able to get a good grip on the gun simply because your hands may not be big enough to get a firm grip on the firearm while reaching the trigger for smooth trigger pulls.

But the number of pistols that you can effectively use if you have small hands may be a lot more than you think.

In fact, it may be most of them.

To illustrate, Craig from Patriot Training Center shows how he effectively grips and reloads his Glock 19 with his self-described “baby hands” (I’m not kidding. That’s what he calls them.). You can watch the video below.

Hopefully, watching that video laid that concern to rest. After all, if you have smaller hands, you can effectively grip your pistol for shooting and can reload on the fly and get back in the fight quickly.

If you practice and train with your pistol regularly so that you are fluent and proficient with the gun, having baby hands need not be an issue.

So, while you need to buy a gun that your hands can work with, you don’t need to buy an especially small gun for small hands. Buy the gun that you want and get proficient with it.

No matter what gun or gear you use, it won’t matter if you don’t have solid fundamentals. The best way to get and retain those skills is with dryfire. That’s why we have a FREE 30 day dryfire program that only takes 10-minutes per day here for you:
