Anti-2A politicians have some rather… odd… ideas of how to protect the vulnerable in our society.
For example, to protect children in schools from being shot by people with evil intent who often get the firearms for those shootings illegally, anti-2A politicians make the schools gun-free zones, thus, making the schools more likely targets for people wanting to commit mass shootings (because no one is on site who can shoot back).
To protect minorities living in high crime urban areas, anti-2A politicians make it especially difficult (or impossible) for citizens in those areas to legally get a gun to protect themselves, thus ensuring that only the criminals in those areas have guns. Which, of course, makes it more dangerous for the non-criminals living in those areas.
And to protect women, Michigan Democrats have proposed legislation to make it illegal to own… pink guns?
Yes, to make it illegal to own guns of a certain color, such as pink guns, in that state. Moriah Day writes,
Senate Bill No. 1134 was introduced to ban so-called “deceptively colored” firearms.
Now, if you wondered what a “deceptively colored firearm” is, so did I. And I checked the bill to see what that term means. The bill says,
Deceptively colored firearm” means a firearm of which substantial portion of the exterior surface is any color other than black, brown, dark grey, dark green, silver, steel, or nickel.
That’s right, if it looks like what you’d expect a firearm to look like but it has a different color than the “standard” firearm colors, this bill would ban that gun.
And let’s be clear about who this kind of silliness would actually affect. Again from Day:
So, who will a ban on colorful, artistic, and aesthetically appealing finishes impact the most?
Female firearm owners will be disproportionally impacted. Hunters with camouflage patterns on their firearms are another major group. From there, the restriction cuts a wide swath across firearm owners of nearly every generation, social circle, financial status, ethnicity, shooting discipline and reason for owning a firearm.
And Day is right. After all, who is most likely to buy a pink, purple, mint green, or other “deceptive” color for a gun?
Women are most likely to buy them, that’s who. And that’s why those colors for firearms are primarily marketed towards women. Everyone knows that.
But for some bizarre and unexplained reason, Michigan Democrats want to go after women who legally own guns.
What an utter waste of time and government resources.
It seems to me it’s ridiculous to say that a woman that has a hot pink gun is carrying a deceptively colored firearm, Cause you can’t get much more out there than hot pink. The one thing that I will say in regard to colored firearms is people please remember it makes them oh so that much more attractive to little people. Please be a responsible gun owner.
100% Violation of the 2A!!!!
All women have to do is “man up” and buy a nickel, brown, grey, black etc. gun . . . who’d a THUNK it?!? I’m SURE little ones might like it, though.
All IS being REVEALED! The Global Cabal’s Deep State Elites Must be STOPPED and Eliminated from government in any form or fashion. Wake up!
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