Appendix Carry Reholstering: See How To NOT Shoot Yourself


If you’ve been around the firearms arena for any amount of time (at least when it comes to pistols), you’ve had to think about how to be reholster your weapon. After all, you don’t want to shoot yourself. That would defeat one of the primary purposes for which most people carry on a daily basis, which is to save your own life, wouldn’t it?

Of course, when you consider reholstering your firearm, there are a few common principles no matter what kind of holster that you’re using and where you choose to carry.

But we’re looking specifically at appendix carry today as it is probably the single most popular carry position for people carrying concealed for a number of reasons including that many people are better able to conceal in that position and also for ease of access to your firearm when you need it.


Still, one of the things that people consider to be a drawback about appendix carry is the difficulty that some people have in seeing their holster during the reholstering process. And you don’t want to miss this. You want to get the gun reholstered without dropping it, without the gun snagging on something causing a misfire, without any kind of mishap.

You simply want to get the firearm back into the holster safely and to have that trigger covered by the holster.

So, what is the best way to do exactly that when carrying in appendix position?

That’s a great question to ask, and Craig with Patriot Training Center has a video on that exact subject for you which you can watch below.

It’s not a hard process, is it? No, it’s not, but like anything having to do with safety, there are a few basic things to keep in mind to make sure that you get the job done safely.

Re-watch Craig’s video, multiple times, if you need to, and practice holstering using the process that he gives in the video until that is your natural, go-to Reholstering method.

Because safety is one of the fundamental responsibilities of gun ownership.

Now, no matter what gun or gear you use, it won’t matter if you don’t have solid fundamentals. The best way to get and retain those skills is with dryfire. That’s why we have a FREE 30 day dryfire program that only takes 10-minutes per day here for you:



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