Who REALLY Is More Likely To Use Guns To Commit Violence?


There are a number of old tired narratives around the subject of gun violence.

Typically, those narratives demonize specific groups of people versus other groups of people to make it look like one side of the political aisle is more dangerous (as in more likely to do terrible things to other people) than the other side of the political aisle.

Is that true, though?


A recent survey by a magazine seems to indicate that is actually the case. Really, the results do show that.

In fact, a survey of people who voluntarily self-reported about their own personal tendencies to use guns for violent purposes says that one group of people is more likely to do awful things with firearms. It’s just the exact opposite of what the legacy mainstream media and those on the political left keep telling us (usually in a breathless, near hysterical way).

I’m not kidding. Not even the slightest bit. You can watch the video below.

So, in a self-reporting survey to Men’s Health magazine, those who self-identified as Democrats in the survey were more likely than political conservatives to:

  • only own one gun (which means that if you’re reading this and you only own one gun, you should go buy more, right?)
  • have fired a firearm in anger
  • have threatened someone with a firearm
  • have ever “used a gun to get what you want”

The self-identifying Democrats were also less likely to be upset by acts of mass violence such as mass shootings. To be fair, the majority of respondents who self-identified as Republican or Democrats were against mass shootings. It’s just… interesting, we’ll say… that a lower percentage of Democrats in the survey were upset about mass shootings than Republicans.

Now, a couple of comments on the above video on YouTube make some additional interesting points.

One commenter going by “BooDamnHoo” noted, “The fact this was based on a self-reported survey means that the ACTUAL numbers are higher.”

Which, if true, means that these results are even more horrifying than they already sound.

Another commenter going by “mikect500” wrote, “I just retired from 23 years in law enforcement. Very few Republicans in jails/prisons. I don’t think that I ever booked a conservative for using a gun in a crime either.”

I make no claims that I can definitively verify the political affiliation of those who do horrible things. But mikect500’s comment has some pretty horrifying implications, doesn’t it?

And it lends credence to what I advocated for in this article.

After seeing LibertyDoll’s video above, I stand for what I advocated for in that article.




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