STRANGE Revelations About 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt – And What You Can Learn From It


Today we’re going to revisit the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump that happened on his golf course in Florida.

To go back over some of the details, allegedly, a guy who was aggressively pro-Ukraine and aggressively anti-Trump decided to wait just off of the golf course’s grounds in what appears to have been the hope of being able to take a shot at Trump to kill him. This alleged would-be assassin had a previous track record with law enforcement (he was a convicted felon) and shouldn’t have been able to get a firearm (much less one that had its serial number removed) if gun control actually worked. You can find out more details about that assassination attempt here.

All of that is bad enough, but now we have details about how the Secret Service handled the second assassination attempt. Suffice it to say, some people, on hearing these details, are saying that Trump may want to consider shelling out for a private security details paid for out of his own pocket.


Why? Just watch the Colion Noir video below (under six minutes), and it will become quickly clear why some people are making that recommendation.

Now, as Noir mentions, there are difficulties when you have the adrenaline dump in a live fire situation.

But as Noir also says, six missed shots from five feet away by the people whose entire job is to protect the President is a crazy miss ratio.

It’s downright disturbing.

Could the average American make those shots in that live fire situation? Answer: it doesn’t matter because we’re not talking about the average American. We’re talking about people whose entire job is to be ready to return fire in a live fire situation, and they should be trained and prepared to do just that in exactly that kind of situation.

And we have four more years (if the pre-election assassination attempts are any indication) of more people trying to kill Trump. He shouldn’t have to deal with that kind of situation, but, sadly, there are some who default to violence instead of civility.

And what you can you learn from all of this? You can learn that you need to train as much as you can for high stress engagement situations so that you are able to defend yourself and, also, that you shouldn’t feel that you can trust the government be able to protect you from other people’s violence. Because, many times, they won’t be able to do so.



  1. Range shooting is a total different shootout when its real and live people. Range people hit the zero on real battle miss every time

  2. This would explain a lot but then you look at another presidential assassination JFK and they swear that Lee Harvey Oswald hit a moving target 3 times at a greater distance than 5 feet and with a bolt action single shot rifle in under 7 seconds ! And he was not a well trained sharpshooter! Makes me think a lot!

  3. I dont trust anybody. They all lie. I’m sure they secretly paid for those attempts on President Trump. Every one of those so called FBI, Secret service agents need to be fired and charged. The whole democrat party needs to pay for their evil.

  4. I have long wondered how bad IT had to get to wake the sheeople up. I am beginning to think that the emasculation of men in socialist Amerika is worse than I ever expected, or dreamed possible.

  5. The shooter was not intending to hit him , just flush him out and apprehend him, which they did. Now that have someone to question rather than a dead body with no head, as either the first shooter.


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