FINALLY! Some Good News About Biden’s Absolutely Horrible ATF Director


We live in a strange time here in the U.S. when there are people who seem to think that to keep their oath of office to support and uphold the Constitution, they have to violate that very Constitution.

At least, that’s how Joe Biden’s ATF director, Steve Dettelbach, seems to have interpreted his job under Biden.

Which, truth be told, is almost certainly exactly what the Biden administration wanted him to do: violate your Constitutional rights under the excuse of protecting the public.


It’s the same old tired lie that anti-2A nuts have been pushing for decades.

But there is finally some good news about Steve Dettelbach. No, really, there is good news.

What is that news? It’s that Dettelbach is resigning. Michael Clements writes,

Steven Dettelbach, director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), will officially resign on Jan. 18.

In the more than two and a half years Dettelbach has led the ATF, the agency has drawn the praise and support of Democrats who say he has enhanced public safety by implementing President Joe Biden’s gun control agenda.

Republicans and Second Amendment advocates have been critical of the ATF for what they consider its heavy-handed and unconstitutional actions.

That’s right, the man who, under the direction of the Biden administration, has ramped up the ATF’s efforts to minimize any ability to exercise Second Amendment rights will leave office before Donald Trump can issue his iconic line to him:

“You’re fired!”

Sure, it would have been more fun if Trump had been able to fire Dettelbach, but I’ll take the lower key, less flashy win. At least Dettelbach will be gone, and hopefully Trump and Republicans will get rid of the ATF completely.

Until that day actually comes, though, you and I will need to continue the work of educating people about gun ownership, why it’s important, and why it’s in their best interests. It’s an effort worth making.



  1. We know it was never really Joe da Biter “Two Blasts” anyway. He couldn’t even read the teleprompter from his first day in office. It was always Ocramma, Pigloser, Schroomer and soros running the show, with Dr. Jilly propping up the semicomatose corpse. The ATF used to be respectable, but now, they are out of control, just like the worthless demoshitz controlled FBI, DOJ, CIA and SS. TRUMP 2024 needs to delete every damned one of them and start completely over, with people he can trust, and who will actually do the job.

  2. An oxygen thief running the cowboys-in-drag .
    A clueless individual leading clowns with guns.
    Waco was the ATF’s epitome of failed leadership and on the ground incompetence that caused needless deaths.
    Defund them and the Department of Education.
    We’ll all be better off.


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