Bolt Action Rifle From The Company That ‘Pioneered The Carbon-Fiber-Wrapped Barrel’

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Using firearms for hunting is possibly the most natural, normal use for a gun (with the possible exception of self-defense), so, of course, hunting guns and hunting equipment are big business.

And that’s good news for you if you hunt.

Why? Because that means that companies have incentives to create new and better guns for us to buy and use and enjoy.


Among the different innovations that companies come up with are new materials to use on different parts of the gun such as carbon fiber, and the company that “pioneered the carbon-fiber-wrapped barrel” has a bolt action rifle out with a carbon-fiber-wrapped barrel that hunters may be excited to see. Richard A. Mann writes,

The action on the [Christensen Arms] Ridgeline FFT is a copy of the Remington 700 action. In fact, it’s compatible with Remington 700 scope mounts. However, Christensen Arms has perfected the action, correcting some of the issues often complained about.

For starters, Christensen Arms moved the bolt stop/release to the left side of the action. They also re-engineered the extractor from the ring/clip style used on the Remington 700 to a design similar to what’s used on an M16. Also, instead of a single plunger ejector, the bolt face on the Ridgeline FFT is fitted with two. And, finally, Christensen Arms utilizes a TriggerTech trigger that’s user adjustable.

The barrel is made of 416 stainless-steel, and it’s button-rifled and hand-honed at the factory.

Of course, there are other details that we can get into, but what you probably really want to know is how does it shoot?

Again from Mann:

The Christensen Arms Ridgeline FFT will [consistently shoot five-shot groups of less than an inch with several factory loads]. In fact, it comes with a sub-MOA guarantee, and its suggested price is right in line with what you should expect to pay for a rifle that shoots that well.

However, with the Ridgeline FFT, you get that level of precision from a rifle that weighs less than 5.5 pounds. That puts it in a category all its own. Sure, there are lighter rifles that will shoot this good, but you’re going to have to pay half again as much as you will for the Ridgeline FFT to get one. By my estimation, that makes the Ridgeline FFT a very special rifle.

You could say that Mann likes this rifle (He also writes, “I’d rate it as one of the best bolt-action hunting rifles currently made.”).

You can watch this rifle in action in the video below.

Should you invest in a Ridgeline FFT? Obviously, that depends on your budget and what you’re shopping for for your next gun.

If you want a precision bolt action rifle that could be a good choice for your next hunting rifle, though, this may be a firearm to consider.



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