REAL WORLD Gun Control Results That The Left Won’t Talk About

Screen capture from YouTube video.

Anti-2A activists, both politicians and those outside of D.C. and state capitals, like to tell you that they support the 2nd Amendment and that they don’t want to disarm you. They just want to keep guns out of the hands of unstable people who would want to shoot other people.

On its surface, their motivation doesn’t necessarily sound unreasonable (even though it is clearly unconstitutional by any rational reading of the Bill of Rights). But that’s just on the surface.

What you really have to ask (and what anti-2A activists desperately don’t want you to ask) is what actually happens after gun registration is put into place? Because, despite what anti-2A zealots want to gaslight you into thinking, history shows pretty clearly what happens over and over and over when gun registration is accepted. And the steps that follow registration are far far worse in terms of death counts than all of the mass shootings put together that anti-2A zealots keep pretending that they want to prevent.


You can watch the video below from Gun Owners of America.

Did you watch the video? Gun registration leads to gun confiscation (as the registration logs are used to find the gun owners and the guns to confiscate). And gun confiscation then enables and emboldens dictators such as Stalin in the Soviet Union, Mao in China, Pol Pot in Cambodia, and Hitler in Germany.

And what did those dictators do to the disarmed people under their control? Killed millions of them. Estimates of the murders by the government of the people under their rule spiral upwards of 100 million people.

That’s not a typo.

So, if someone asks you why your gun rights are so important, just tell them to read a real history book that tells of the horrible things that just those four dictators (and there have been many more) did once gun confiscation was enacted.

And it all started with gun registration.



  1. One of the greatest tragedies and lies of our time is the complete capitulation of the media, all of it including print, broadcast, and online media that are somehow collectively dishonest and likely mentally ill as well. I cannot imagine why none of them have actually read and understood why this country was founded as a Constitutional Republic rather than a democracy, but if they would take a bit of time to look at the reasons for the Founders to form the government the way that the did, they would understand the value of the Founders wisdom and the importance of all of us supporting it through supporting the politicians and media that are capable of understanding it and working to insure its continued success. Anyone that has any idea that the government is capable of understanding and prescribing useful direction should attend the offices of the government, and of them, and see what happens to those places. They are not accountable to anyone and they act like it, the government is in most cases slow, slovenly, and so mired in regulatory bullcrap that they can’t behave in any other manner. A perfect example is the VA that can’t find its backside with both hands and is likely responsible for the early death of huge numbers of veterans that we should be working hard to serve, not working to kill them with benign neglect! And don’t ask me about places like the Social Security offices and the DMV’s and the massive three letter agencies that we have spawned over the years of this nations existence! Most of those should probably be disbanded or at least severely diminished in scope and reach. Good luck suckers, I am old and won’t be here all that much longer, so I won’t have to see the total destruction of the country and its population, but my kids, grandkids, and more will likely suffer the consequences and I can’t even get them to pay attention either, so best of luck to all…

    • Idealism and youth go together! The young ask: “why cant life be philosophically easier? Why wont people just give me what I want?” The answer is: “Nobody likes an uninteresting and lazy as*#€^hol£¥%# who can do nothing”. After a few years, those that can see reality realize that life is a challenge and if you want something you have to do something, so they start thinking and stop whining. However, the average IQ of the young is dropping to or below 100. Not so long ago, 100 was considered as being a potted plant or not particularly bright. And its getting worse.

  2. What I cannot ever understand gun owners voting for Democrats! Are they ignorant! Or in denial, especially here in Arizona Comrade madam Governor hobbit queen of the Arizona Commie gun grabbers!!

    • voting for the communist is one thing. Continuing to pay them is the real question to be asked. How much more abuse are you willing to pay for? The founders and Jesus both said to “come out from among them” .. “alter, abolish or SEPARATE from such abusive gov’t.” IF you can’t leave, YOU ain’t free.

    • People for the most part are like cattle and sheep. They migrate to where the grass is green, they bring their old mindset with them, and in short order they devastate the new green pasture making it just like the trash heap they left not so long ago. Kiss AZ goodby!!!

  3. Democraps and ANTI-Gun IDIOTS don’t want people to be able to defend themselves against Democraps and ANTI-Gun IDIOTS.

    • and now, NAZI Amerika has a Gestapo (control freaks) just like NAZI Germany did. Buildings where people (babies) can legally be killed. We should be ashamed, but most Amerikans are cowards

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