LGBTQ+ With Guns?


With most people, it’s completely predictable what they’ll say their stance is on an issue once you know which political party that they tend to vote for. We can have a discussion as to why that is, but there’s no question that is the case.

Just take the Second Amendment. People who tend to vote Republican tend to be who vote for gun rights as well being more politically and socially conservative on issues. Those who tend to vote Democrat tend to vote for gun control and to be more politically and socially liberal on issues in general.

Every so often, though, you’ll find unexpected crossovers on issues such as pro-life Democrats. Or Republicans supporting an expanded welfare state. Or LGBTQ+ people with guns? Yes.


One polling organizations decided that they wanted to know how gun owners felt about LGBTQ+ people owning guns. Typically, when I see something like this, I automatically assume that they have an agenda to push because I’m not sure why else anyone would feel the burning need to answer that question. Why? Because the Constitution doesn’t put any restriction on guns rights, so, it doesn’t matter what anyone’s personal stance on that issue is (if we still live in a Constitutional republic).

But in case you want the results of that survey, Larry Z gives us the details:

When it comes to firearm confiscation for people who’ve had gender reassignment surgery, fewer than 22% of [the 1,000] NRA members [surveyed] think these individuals should lose their firearms. About 28% are still on the fence.

This means that approximately 50% of respondents firmly support 2A rights for the trans community.

Interestingly, the oldest folks in the survey showed the most support for trans-gun rights. Only 18% of those 60 and older think gender reassignment should lead to confiscation.

On the flip side, almost one outta three (29%) of 18-30-year-olds think those who’ve had gender reassignment surgery should have their guns seized.

I would think that these survey results would shock political liberals who seem to think that political conservatives, especially older ones, are overwhelmingly anti-LGBTQ+. This survey indicates that that belief is wrong.

But you can bet that, with the anti-2A mainstream legacy media, you’ll never hear these survey results there.



  1. Perhaps the difference in opinion among the age groups is due to some not understanding the recognized mental illness associated with transgenderism.

  2. What is even more unnerving is the thought of the tens of thousands of the ILLEGAL INVADERS who are possible terrorrists and operatives of enemy nations walking around with weapons of any kind.

    • Hoping you are referring to those ‘normal’ as NOT pushing ‘LGBTQ’ in the face of everyone! I have a friend who’s gay, in a relationship, and perfectly ‘normal’, as he DOESN’T demand I approve his lifestyle. We are just friends. Period! Too bad those doing all the antics, jerks wearing outre` female clothing, garish make-up, etc, can’t just tone things down. It’s THESE to whom I object!

      • What sexual preferences a person has is their issue. I have gay friends, that’s their way not mine. I agree with you on the spectacle that some people feel the need to show, YIKES! There are many “straight” people that are totally abusive to their opposite sex partners and children. These S.O.B’s are far worse than those who’s gun right they wish to remove.

    • when the SHTF, the sexual perverts and the liars in the media will die. socialist Amerika will become a republic of We the People, called America, again. I HAVE A DREAM

  3. Gays have the same right to the 2nd ammendment as for everyone else! But these transgender people and their beliefs are something else entirely. because if someone cant decide something thats already been decided by Nature and God then how can these people think logicly or legally as when to or not to use lethal force in a certian situation?? Simple answer is they CANT!

  4. believing and the second amendment if you’re a law abiding citizen you have that right. As a born America .

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