Anti-2A State Gets SLAPPED In Court AGAIN


I admit it. Very few things give me as much joy as seeing an anti-gun regulation or law slapped down in court. Frankly, one of the few ways to make me even happier is when someone blocks it from even being passed or put into place so that no tax payers’ dollars or court time is wasted throwing that garbage out.

But I’ll take a court slap down as a consolation prize if an anti-2A policy gets what it deserves (which is to be crushed).

And that’s what we’re talking about today: a law that passed in a state run by anti-2A zealots got slapped down in court, just like it should have been. Zachary Stieber writes,


A new gun law in New York violates constitutional rights, a federal judge said on Oct. 10 as he blocked it.

The law, enacted in 2023, bars carrying guns on private property unless the property has signs saying carrying firearms is allowed.

“At least as to private property open to the public (the subject of this motion), New York’s restriction is unconstitutional—a result dictated by the teaching of the Supreme Court’s recent cases addressing individual Americans’ right to keep and bear arms,” U.S. District Judge John L. Sinatra Jr. wrote in a 43-page decision.

Sinatra pointed to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in 2022 that concluded that Second Amendment rights cannot be interfered with by the government unless officials can show the restrictions are consistent with the nation’s history of firearm regulation.

“New York fails that test here. Indeed, property owners have the right to exclude. But the state may not unilaterally exercise that right and, thereby, interfere with the long-established Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens who seek to carry for self-defense on private property open to the public,” he wrote.

The decision granted a motion by plaintiffs to permanently block officials in New York from enforcing the law with regard to private property open to the public and denied a request from officials to stay the ruling pending appeal.

That’s right, New York is still trying to restrict innocent people’s gun rights.

Imagine being so determined to be a tyrant that you are completely oblivious to the oath of office that you keep violating with your awful policies. That’s exactly what the people in New York keep having to deal with when it comes to their politicians.

What an appalling situation to have to deal with.

Hopefully, though, the politicians and bureaucrats in that state will start to get that they aren’t allowed to be tyrants there. Truly, that would be a better situation for everyone.



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