1 State Stirs Up CONTROVERSY With Proposed New Gun Law


If you’ve been shooting guns for any amount of time, you’re already familiar with the four rules of gun safety. Most people agree that those rules are incredibly important to prevent accidents and unnecessary injuries or damage from your gun.

There are a few things, though, that those four rules don’t address that would be wise to keep in mind for using a gun that have to do with being aware of yourself and your internal perceptions.

What do I mean? I mean “extra” gun safety rules five and fifteen from a list given by GunPros.com.


“Extra” rule five is “Don’t handle firearms when depressed or angry.” This one goes back to the HALT rule. HALT as in Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. You don’t want to make decisions of any consequence (such as using a firearm) when you’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired because those conditions tend to cloud judgment and not in a positive way (Hangry is a term in our modern world for a reason).

“Extra” rule fifteen on that list is “Don’t handle firearms under the influence.” For reasons similar to number five, you would be smart to avoid using a firearm while intoxicated. Why? Because intoxicated people have a tendency to act impulsively, to not think through the consequences of their decisions, and to simply make bad choices that they regret later. Just think how many teen pregnancies and car accidents are due to alcohol use.

With all of that in mind, I’m still an absolutist on the Second Amendment, meaning that I think that the government shouldn’t place restrictions on gun rights even if those restrictions might prevent adults from making terrible decisions that are regretted later.

Which is why I support a bill that one state’s legislature just passed (it’s on the way to their governor’s desk) even though I think people would be wise to consider not taking full advantage of it (hat tip to here for the lead). Luke McCoy writes,

The South Dakota Legislature has passed House Bill 1218, a measure that would allow individuals to carry concealed pistols in establishments where more than half of the income is derived from the sale of alcoholic beverages. This bill seeks to repeal the existing prohibition on concealed firearms in such venues, a restriction that has been in place since 2019.

The bill’s progression saw significant amendments, notably by Republican Senator Mykala Voita, who introduced the provision permitting concealed carry in bars. The Senate approved this amendment with a 30-4 vote, sending the bill back to the House. After some deliberation, including the formation of a conference committee to reconcile differences, the House concurred with the Senate’s version, passing it with a 56-14 vote.

Let me reiterate, I think that this law is the right thing to do in light of the Second Amendment.

Having said that, I also think that if you’re going to get even a little tipsy (much less blackout drunk), you should have a friend both be the driver and the person who is carrying a firearm instead of you.

Freedom does come with the responsibility to not act foolishly.

What do you think about this proposed law in South Dakota? Tell us below.



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