These Rifles May Finally Get Your Wife Interested In Shooting

L V Seven Hummingbird image courtesy L V Seven.

It’s no secret that shooting, as a sport, and hunting tend to be dominated by men. That’s not to say that there aren’t a good number of women who love shooting, but men tend to outnumber women in the activity.

Now, there are likely a number of reasons that men outnumber women who are public about their love of shooting, but one company decided to try to change the situation by making firearms that will appeal to women.

Enter L V Seven, a subsidiary of V Seven Weapon Systems. Why start a firearm company for women? We’ll let them explain. From their website:


From the beginning, our focus has been to create a product for female shooting enthusiasts.  No matter your age or skill level, our goal is to build a firearm that fits you.  The overall feel, the carry weight, and handling of our rifles is different than what is currently available in the AR industry.  Each L V Seven piece is designed to be esthetically pleasing, ergonomically sized and comfortable for women.

Our mission goes beyond just building pretty guns.  We want our customers to have a quality firearm.  One that will function reliably and accurately when expected to.  L V Seven rifles are manufactured to the same high standards as V Seven rifles.  We’ve just designed them for our fellow sisters.  Our hope is to encourage ladies to gather their girls and get outdoors.  Head to the woods, get in the field, or off to the range.  Set up some targets and knock ’em down.  We’ll be out there with you.

At this time, L V Seven is offering four rifles, three of which have 16″ barrels and one which has an 18″ barrel. If you look over their models, you’ll notice that they tend to shy away from jet black or camouflage colorings, presumably to make these firearms more visually appealing to women.

So, if you have a lady in your life who has some curiosity about firearms but wants a weapon that will be a bit lighter to handle and prettier to look at, L V Seven may have a rifle that is right for her.



  1. I don’t get it,. WHY is having a stupid Military looking gun the thing to have????? I’d much rather have a bolt action that I can shoot 1000 yards and kill my target with 1 shot than these semi autos that can rattle off rounds and maybe hit the target once out if 30 rounds.

    • My guns “rattle off” rounds very quickly, are tactical for ease of carry and quick response and I can hit my targets 10 out of 10 times. When the sht hits the fan your bolt action will do you little good in a fire fight. Far too slow and cumbersome… Unless you intend on being a sniper only, in which case you’d still need a tactical weapon because the bad guys won’t always be a thousand yards away.

      • When the shtf we will need all types of weapons and shooters .Short range,medium and long range and don’t forget handguns. So if a man or woman feels comfortable with a bolt gun, I say hello yea. Don’t anyone think their gun or style is better than everyone else’s, we will need everyone we can get.

      • I have ARs, Bolt Actions, Lever Actions, each is for a different job. The styles/models range in age from 120 years old, to being built next week. Each is in as near perfect condition as I can keep/make it. No single style, type of firearm is good for EVERYTHING (try shooting a duck on the wing with a .22LR pistol).

    • If you are only hitting 1 out of 30 with an AR, you must not know what you are doing… or you are in ‘spray and pray’ mode.

  2. My wife goes shooting with me. She hunts with me also. She liked the colors but kinda spendy. And a reply to Mark. I have my rifle which can reach out a 1000 yards. One shot. One kill. But to say that 1 out of 30 rounds may hit the target of an AR is very wrong. I hit 30 out of 30 with mine at 100 yards. Learn your weapon and be proficiant with it.

  3. When the shtf we will need all types of weapons and shooters .Short range,medium and long range and don’t forget handguns. So if a man or woman feels comfortable with a bolt gun, I say hello yea. Don’t anyone think their gun or style is better than everyone else’s, we will need everyone we can get.

  4. Great. If color, designs are what takes your wife to go shooting, look for a closet full of guns to match her shoes, dress etc. Women who are drawn into shooting because the guns are cute have no idea why we have the Second Amendment

  5. I love how everyone keeps taking about when the SHTF like the masses will have weapons. The democrats have been working on disarming us since before JFK and they are now on a fast track. They are escalating that SHTF scenario because that’s when they plan to to set up their dictatorship. By that time the masses will be disarmed, or at least be disarmed of their “legal” tactical weapons and, because Americans were complacent and, the liberals believed the bulls**t, we have put people in office that will have a free hand in destroying America. Only another rebellion will save is at that point.

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