Don’t Be This Guy: He Opened FIre Because People Weren’t Social Distancing When He Walked Up


Let’s face it: some people in every group are just not right in the head. Seriously. Most people of any group are nice people who are easy to get along with and just want to live a happy, peaceful, prosperous life. The one exception may be communist revolutionaries which may be where the fruitcake in today’s story came from for all I know.

See, most people would think that it’s reasonable, if you believe in social distancing and you see people who aren’t, to simply ask those folks, from a distance, to distance themselves. It’s not a hard concept.

But Douglas Marks apparently doesn’t have the type of social skills noted above. No. He decided to start shooting at the folks. In a hotel lobby.


Yes, really (hat tip to here for the lead). Paul Sacca writes,

A Florida man fired a gun inside a Miami Beach hotel after he became angry that a mother and son weren’t social distancing, police said.

The shooting happened Monday night at the Crystal Beach Suites Hotel on Collins Avenue. Douglas Marks reportedly entered the lobby of the beachfront hotel and noticed a mother and son sitting on a couch.

“You all aren’t social distancing,” Marks told the mother and son, according to the police report. Marks then told them, “You all need to leave.”

The mother, Veronica Pena, and her son ignored the man.

“Let me take care of them, I have two people not following directions,” Marks said, according to Pena.

Marks then pulled out a firearm and fired several shots. An anonymous male witness said he shielded the mother and son during the shooting, and claimed there were “like six” shots fired.

Police say the shooter “continued to scream commands to social distance while holding the firearm and subsequently fired several shots.”

Fortunately, no one was injured.

Go ahead and queue the Florida Man jokes. Understand, though, that crazy folks like this who open fire on people for no good reason are the image that anti-gunners have in their heads of what pro-gun folks are like, and the mainstream media and anti-gun politicians aren’t doing anything to change that image.

That means that we have to be better than that. We have to be calm and level-headed (unlike Marks in the story above), and we have to be the good guy with a gun because we’re the ones who will have to change the image of pro-gun folks in the minds of brainwashed anti-gunners.
