Rifles That You Should Consider To Protect Your Home


While handguns are the go to weapon for everyday carry, you may want to consider something larger for home protection. While shotguns are popular because they scare intruders and because you don’t have to be as precise in your aim to do damage, it’s precisely this “flexibility” in aiming that may make you want to opt for a rifle instead for home defense.

But what kind of rifle to get?

While there are an unbelievable number of options out there, a writer going by Mike S. specifically recommends five different rifles for home defense.


The first rifle that he recommends considering is an AR-15 in 5.56/223. Mike S. writes,

Perhaps the most popular rifle in the U.S. is the AR-15. It was designed in 1960 by Armalite for the U.S. military and has remained in military use for six decades. For home defense purposes, I strongly recommend the shortest barrel length you can legally own. In some cases, this can be a SBR (short barreled rifle) registered with the National Firearms Branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for a $200 tax. SBRs have barrels less than 16 inches in length and can be as short as 7.5 inches. This makes the rifle more compact and maneuverable within the confines of the home.

The second rifle that Mike S. recommends is the Kriss Vector because of it’s “reduced recoil” and because it is chambered in 9mm or 45 ACP. Easy to find ammo and extended magazines are reasons to consider this rifle.

Third on the list is the FN PS90. Because this little weapon was designed for personal defense and it has little recoil, this firearm provides options for maneuverability in close spaces, very useful traits in tight spots like inside a home.

Mike S.’s fourth choice is a lever action carbine. Mike S. writes,

Lever action rifles made by Winchester, Marlin, Rossi and several others chambered in one of the magnum handgun calibers such as 357 Magnum, 44 Magnum or 45 Colt make for a very effective and compact system for people who reside in areas where the ownership of semiautomatic rifles may be restricted or draw unwanted attention. Five to 10 rounds of a powerful revolver cartridge with the added ballistics of a longer barrel make these a primary fight-stopper.

And last on the list is the Ruger 10/22 because of it’s accuracy and low recoil.

While these five rifles give you good options to choose from, notice the consistent themes that run through Mike S.’s choices: low recoil, common ammunition types, shorter barrels, and quick fire. If you keep these principles in mind while shopping for your next rifle for home defense, you’ll likely choose a good fit for your situation.



  1. For me, a high quality semi-auto pistol is the way to go. Don’t get me wrong. I love my AR’s but I am disabled and cannot shoulder an AR in the way that is required for usage inside a dwelling. On top of that, my wife is afraid of black rifles due to her ex-husband. However, a full size pistol like the Sig P320 in 40 S&W (18+1), the Sargun 45 in .45 ACP (12+1), or even the Beretta 92 (17+1) are all great high quality, high capacity handguns that do the job admirably.

    I know some will suggest an AR pistol as a compromise but I find those acquired at best for my situation. I can’t wear an AR pistol on my hip and a lot like an AR-15, they limit my field of view too much as repeatedly raising and lowering an AR pistol with only one hand is exhausting. I will stick with my handguns. Should the day ever come when my arm can be repaired or replaced, then I will switch over to an AR platform.

  2. What about the argument that a rifle round has too much penetrating power (can go through the wall of the house into your neighbor’s)? Therefore, a shotgun is advised. I’m not an expert, but this seems to make sense. Am I wrong?

  3. This looks nice but here in NYC and even being in law enforcement, getting a legal carry permit is next to impossible unless you’re a locksmith or a jeweler.

  4. Ruger PCC9, 9mm, would also do the trick for me. It breaks down for traveling. Uses a variety of Ruger handgun magazines so makes a good partner for several good handguns. You can use the iron sights or add a scope, red dot and/or light on the existing rails. An indoor and/or outdoor gun depending on circumstances. It’s on my wish list. (Wish they made one for the .357/.38.)

  5. The cheap Hi-Point pistol caliber carbines are ugly as a mud fence, but they are as reliable as a hammer. Why aren’t they mentioned?

  6. .357/44 Bain and Davis on a .44 mag Marlin 1894 with a 16.5 inch barrel. I used a .357 barrel from Marlin. And skeletonized the but stock. It also makes a fine pack rifle for deer.

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