Hurricane Disaster Prep


You stare at the weather channel…

The models predict the storm will make landfall south of you…

It’s due to hit about two days from now…


You’re safe. You fall asleep soundly.

The next morning you turn on the weather again.

Uh oh.

All the hurricane models predict you’re now right in the center of the storm.

The hurricane has picked up speed.

It’s moved north.

And it’s due for a direct hit on your hometown…

If you’ve ever spent time on the East Coast from May – October you know the feeling I’m talking about. Should you board the windows? Should you stock up on gas?

I’ll show you how to avoid the worst…

The last horrific hurricane to hit the United States was Katrina in 2005.

We all saw the pictures of the aftermath…

It was a category 5 (the worst on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being the mildest sustained winds). Not only was it an extreme hurricane, levy’s that were supposed to hold back water that runs through the dikes (and the city) burst as well.

This disaster left people stranded and the city devastated.  Not all hurricanes are as horrific as this one but they can leave a lot of damage in their wake.

The best way that you can stay safe in the aftermath of a hurricane is to prepare BEFORE one strikes. That means taking measures when you first learn that a hurricane is forming.  Keep your ears tuned to a radio and keep your eyes peeled to a TV.

After a hurricane, you might have to deal with several scenarios:

Electricity:  This is the no. 1 item that people are left without after a hurricane blows through.  Why?  Power lines are knocked down or blown away.  It doesn’t matter if your electrical lines are buried.  Up the street or up the block the lines could be exposed.  So that means you won’t have any electricity either.  An in-house generator is the best item to purchase if you live in a hurricane-prone area.  A portable one will do but be EXTREMELY cautious when using this type of generator and don’t EVER put it inside your home.  The generator emits carbon monoxide fumes which can lead to fatalities.

Food:  Make sure that you stock up on food well BEFORE the rush.  Most people will wait until about a day out before the hurricane hits.  That is too late.  Everyone else will be doing the same thing and you will find empty grocery store shelves.

Cash:  Make sure you have plenty of cash on hand.  When the electricity goes out your check card and credit cards will not work.  Keep enough cash to get you through a couple of weeks (months is better).

Gas:  You will need gas to run the generator.  Make sure you have filled all of your gas cans and keep them stored in a safe area of your home. 

Water:  If you have one of those bottled water stands in your home-great!  If not, keep a supply of individual bottled waters on hand.  Drinking plenty of water is always essential but during the times of a hurricane, water may not be so plentiful.

Communication:  Be sure to keep a battery type device on hand in order to listen to local news and weather reports.  A large supply of batteries will also be needed to sustain the devices you will be using. 

Guns: obviously, going to your local gun shop is not an option during a natural disaster. But having a gun might just save your life.

Stay prepared and you won’t be one of those last minute scramblers trying to buy essential items to stay safe during the aftermath of a hurricane.

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Caleb Lee is the #1 best-selling author of "Concealed Carry 101" and founder of He is a civilian (no law enforcement or military experience) who shares information about self-defense and becoming more self-reliant. He's a 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo, NRA Certified Basic Pistol & Personal Protection Inside The Home Instructor, Concealed Carry Academy Instructor certified & also a graduate of the Rangermaster firearms instructor course. He's also the author of numerous online courses including the course.