How to save (at least) $250 when buying AR-15 and pistol ammo


A few weeks ago I was on a business trip and we decided to go shooting.

Because nobody had brought ammo, we were forced to buy ammo from a local outdoors store …

There was a big group of us so 1,000 rounds of 9mm ammo was bought and about 500 rounds of 5.56 ammo was bought.


Someone mentioned how much it costs and I casually guesstimated that it was probably around $450 or so because it was bought in a store where the prices are always higher …

Imagine my surprise when my friend said he spent over $600! I was too horrified to ask how much over $600 he spent …

Another member of our group thought it was “normal” to pay about .50 per round of 5.56 ammo and I thought that was crazy but I didn’t push the issue.

The fact is: if you’re buying ammo in stores, you’re paying too much!

I try to never buy ammo in stores unless I have to because it’s simply too much money these days.

Plus, the selection is never that great.

Buying ammo online is much easier, just as convenient and the selection is usually much, much better.

Plus, there’s nothing worse than hopping in the car, heading to your local store to pick up something you really need and finding out that they’re completely out of stock!

At .50 cents per round for rifle rounds and .25 cents per round for pistol ammo (what another friend said was basically normal for 9mm ammo) it’s no wonder many people think they don’t have enough money to go shooting more often.

Is It Legal To Buy Ammunition Online?

Yes, but just like guns, if you live in an unfree state or a state that’s not in the continental united states then it’s probably not legal for you …

Alaska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York City (can usually be shipped to other areas in the state of NY, just not NYC), Chicago (can usually ship to other areas in the state of IL, just not Chicago), Washington, DC, Canada, all other international locations, etc all can’t have ammo bought online delivered.

The laws — like all laws in our byzantine government — are constantly changing so be sure to check that it’s legal in your state.

My #1 Tip Is To Use A Reputable Website.

You obviously want to be careful where you use your credit card online, that much is certain.

But what’s also important, especially if you’re just buying ammo online for the first time is to use a reputable website with a good reputation that you know takes care of their customers.

Finally, websites that actually show you ONLY what is in stock are the best. Because when there is a lot of panic buying … or … when certain types of ammunition just happen to be really popular for whatever reason, some websites will let you order and you’ll be on back-order for months before you ever get your ammo.

Sometimes it’s worth it to be back-ordered for a really good deal or something special you bought, but if you need your ammo in a reasonable time then that’s obviously something to avoid.

For all these reasons and more, I can’t recommend enough.

Their website is well designed, it’s easy to use and they’re super reputable and take care of their customers. Their prices are competitive and they ship you your ammo REALLY fast in most cases. Plus, they only allow you to buy ammo that’s in stock so you never run into the back-order problem.

How You Can Save $250 (or more!) using Lucky Gunner

So for example, my friends and I bought about 1,000 rounds of 9mm and 500 rounds of 5.56 and the cost was over $600 at a local store …

If you go to Lucky Gunner, you can look up either 5.56 or .223 (because your AR-15 may not be mil-spec and may not be rated for 5.56).

The fact is that if you buy in bulk, you will get the best deals. So I normally try to order in cases of 1,000. But for this example, I’ll show you the price on a case of 500 rounds of 5.56×45 – 55 Grain FMJBT XM193I – made by Independence ammo.


Today’s price is 35.0 per round. Not bad!

Now, let’s pick up some 9mm ammo too so we hop on over to the “Specials” side of the website (or just go straight to 9mm) and we see 1,000 rounds of 9mm – 115 gr FMJ – made by Tula for just .17 cents per round! Now that’s more like it.

9mmtulauneditedAdd that up and what do we get? $175 + $170 = $345 bucks — saving us over $250!

But doesn’t shipping hurt your savings?

You would think but no. Lucky Gunner is very competitive with their shipping costs too. This same purchase, 500 rounds of 5.56 and 1,000 rounds of 9mm is going to get delivered by FedEx for a whopping $20.44.

That still puts you WAY ahead on saving money!

In short, I can’t recommend buying ammo online highly enough. These are businesses that truly compete to try to deliver the best prices possible and they normally succeed. is one of the best of the bunch and is perfect for the first time online ammo buyer.

Check em’ out and let me know if you got any other tips to save money on ammo?

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Caleb Lee is the #1 best-selling author of "Concealed Carry 101" and founder of He is a civilian (no law enforcement or military experience) who shares information about self-defense and becoming more self-reliant. He's a 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo, NRA Certified Basic Pistol & Personal Protection Inside The Home Instructor, Concealed Carry Academy Instructor certified & also a graduate of the Rangermaster firearms instructor course. He's also the author of numerous online courses including the course.


  1. Caleb, thanks for the heads up on Lucky Gunner. I’d never heard of them and I’ll check them out. So far, I’ve been able to stay with USA made ammo. I never buy Chinese or Russian ammo no matter how cheap. As a matter of fact, as of the last time I was at Front Sight a couple of years ago, this ammo was banned on their ranges due to firearm damages. I also stay with Boxer primed, reloadable shells. It may be cheaper at the onset, but if they can’t be reloaded, maybe not so cheap after all. Again, thanks for the info on Lucky Gunner.

  2. I price my ammo at Great ammo search engine. Priced per round lowest to highest. Yobacan enter what you are looking for. Even include woeds suc h as hollow point etc. You’ll get hundreds of choices. Then just click on your choice of seller and it takes you to seller website and item you were looking at. Hit back button and you go back to Ammoseek.

    • Yup I’ve used that site too. I know a lot of people are nervous for whatever reason searching for ammo online, so I recommend Lucky Gunner as the one to start with because it’s so easy to use.

  3. Forgot to mention, Lucky Gunner has a lot of blogs and posts and has done a lot of research on ammo and guns. One I really liked was a torture test they did comparing brass case and steel cased ammo in a 10,000 round torture test. Its why I wont use steel cased ammo, or any Tula ammo. You need to check them out.

  4. GREAT IDEA – Except for the fact that part of the unconstitutional NY Safe Act citizen disarmament laws that were forced upon us literally in the middle of the night is a whole section OUTLAWING ALL AMMO SALES OTHER THAN THE FACE TO FACE SALE IN A LOCAL STORE! Welcome to life behind “THE NEW IRON CURTAIN” in The Great Progressive Socialist State of NY!

  5. How much does it cost to ship something as heavy as ammo? When you add that to the price is it really a bargain? I live in NY State and I cannot legally have ammo delivered to my home, it would have to go to an FFL but most places just won’t bother.

  6. I’ve gotten some excellent deals at Cheaperthandirt,com. My last 3 shipments of 1000 rounds of 9mm, with shipping came out to between $230 and $250. They have an advertised special on the ammo I’ve been buying (TulAmmo Brass Maxx) but it’s so good they ran out, so I’ve been checking at least once a week to see if they got more. I have used this at FrontSight with no problems, and my local ranges accept it.

  7. I have used SGA Ammo multiple times in the past, and have always had excellent service and lower prices. Once in a while, Cheaper Than Dirt will have an outstanding sales, but usually SGA has the lowest cost.

    • SGAmmo is good in that they usually have some rare ammo. Good advice. I don’t use Cheaper Than Dirt much.

  8. I’ve bought 1000’s of rounds fom Freedom munitions online shipped to Florida. Zero failures from their reloads through S&W and Beretta firearms. Great ammo and fantastic prices, and ist ALL American made. No reason for me to buy anywhere else.

  9. I’ve spent far to much at Lucky Gunner and even more at Shipping is free with them.

  10. There was a $10/100 difference in 22 LR prn Golden Bullet from Gander Mountain and LuckyGunner…Gander was $10/100 and Lucky was $19.50/100. This is not even CLOSE! And its the only gun I have so far so hence the only ammo I need. LuckyGunner hasn’t showed me a good thing…not when there is a $50/500 difference in their favor.

    Just thought you all should know…

    • That’s crazy. I’ve never seen a retail store match or be better priced than online. Good looking out!

  11. I too have been buying lots of ammo at freedom munitions. I’ve used others before I found them all to work well.
    What you order from them ( freedom munitions ) is what you get. I have NO complaints or need to go elsewhere.
    I shoot 44mag, 38 spl, 9mm, 45acp, 223/556, 12ga, 308 and 22lr……..check them out……USA made.

  12. I buy mine from for 29.00 per year you save with a discounted club price and if your order is over 150 you can select the interest free 4 payment option and they have great prices on Guns as well I bought a 40 cal add mod 2 they shipped to a local gun shop I paid a 20.00 transfer fee and the gun stores in my area could not come close to the price I paid

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