Iraq Vet Stands Up To Gun Grabber Cops


Anti-gunners are constantly looking for ways to deprive law abiding gun owners of their right to bear arms. Unfortunately, some states have attempted to put this theft of rights into law.

One of those unfortunate states is New Jersey, where police went to the home of an Iraq combat veteran to take his guns because of something that his son said. His response? “No.” AWR Hawkins writes, reports that the that Troopers came to Cottrell’s house because “his 13-year-old son had [allegedly] made a comment at school about the Millstone Middle School’s security.”

The troopers were attempting to operate under auspices of a new firearm confiscatory law signed by Gov. Phil Murphy (D). The law allows an individual’s guns to be seized if the person is “deemed a threat to themselves and others in the state.” After finding no firearms in the son’s room, they attempted to take Cottrell’s shotgun and pistol. He quickly determined they had no warrant and told them they would not be taking his firearms.

He agreed to store his guns outside his home while his son’s comments are investigated, but that was as far as he would go.

Cottrell noted that the Troopers “danced around the issue” when he confronted them with procedure necessary to confiscate guns under the law.

He said, “No one from the state was going to take my firearms without due process.”

Good for Cottrell for standing up for his rights. It’s simply ludicrous that these law enforcement officers tried to confiscate his guns because his young teenaged son commented about school security. Frankly, if it’s like most schools in the U.S., his school’s security is about as dependably in a gunfight as Barney Fife. Cottrell’s son should be concerned.


But, no matter what Cottrell’s son said (and, for the record, Cottrell says that his sons didn’t make any threats), taking Cottrell’s guns is simply an unacceptable attempt at gun grabbing by a bunch of people who want to blame firearms for their inability to stop school shootings. (To be fair, they will never be able to stop most school shootings because a good guy with a gun who is willing to use it against a shooter has to be on site at the time of the shooting to stop the shooting. But they still want to blame guns.)

New Jersey gun owners need to start campaigning to repeal this gun grabbing law or, before they know it, they may be next.



    • The Troopers aren’t the bad guys here. First of all they did not confiscate the guns, which means they kept their oath to protect and defend the Constitution. They were assigned to investigate allegations. They listened to the veteran , who must have provided a persuasive argument to convince the Troopers there was no danger. I give them credit for using good judgment. I support the Constitution as much as anyone on this site, but the blame on the New Jersey Governor and Legislators who passed the law. The Troopers lived up to their oath, the politicians did not.

  1. Interested in orchestrated Criminal Fraun by police?
    Using term ” deemed harmful” ( this by an investigator with suicide, by firearm in his immediate family) …….as stated in his falsified incident report. ( Incident dismissed, no return of firearms)

  2. Regarding this article and a person being “deemed”to be something or other, who might the “deemer” be, and pray tell, what might be the source of their expertise, or would EGGSPURTESE be a more accurate description. Fortunately, not always the case, nobody was injured or killed here, the State Police leaving with nothing worse than a little egg on their faces. The question that looms large in my mind is the following. Did the police learn anything here?

  3. In Connecticut, my son made an inappropriate remark, at school, about guns. (Something I told him never to do). He was arrested, at school, for disturbing the peace, and released to me, on probation.

    A State Prosecutor told the attending State Trooper to confiscate my guns. I told him I had done nothing wrong, and he was violating my Constitutional Rights. He consulted with his superiors, and then they called the prosecutor, and told him he was wrong to do this. He backed up, and reversed on his decision.

    I have a new respect for Connecticut state Police. They demonstrated that it is not they who would violate our Constitutional Rights, but the Democrat politicians and bureaucrats, who have no respect for our rights in the “Constitution State” of Connecticut.

  4. Well Well sounds like the NJ. State Police overstepped authority with out determining if there was a valid threat, And the School Officials were crying wolf and Mr. Cottrell needs to investigate find out who actually filed the report resulting in the Police being sent to his home to confiscate his weapons. Upon positively Identifying the person I would say that a multi million dollar civil suit on defamation of character is in order hit those responsible in the wallet real hard and it will get their attention and they will be just a mite more cautious before crying wolf again.!!

  5. When are the people of NJ going to wake up and vote these imbecile Democrats out of office. Vote for people that will support the 2nd Amendment and do away with NJ’s confiscatory laws.

  6. Those who are unwilling to kill and die to preserve their rights freedoms and property will inevitably and deservedly lose them. Semper Fi!!

  7. Article 1 paragraph 2. a. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, and they have the right at all times to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it.

    That negates the entire Constitution if the GOVERNMENT decides for the public good …

  8. See 42 USC 1983.
    That bleeding-heart knee-jerk liberal gun-grabbing governor and his State Police Gestapo goons could be impoverished …

  9. Watch any movie from the sixties or early seventies and this kind of talk is all you heard, Vietnam and Afghanistan then and now. What else?????? Come on what else you guys get this list going!

  10. The Troopers aren’t the bad guys here. First of all they did not confiscate the guns, which means they kept their oath to protect and defend the Constitution. They were assigned to investigate allegations. They listened to the veteran , who must have provided a persuasive argument to convince the Troopers there was no danger. I give them credit for using good judgment. I support the Constitution as much as anyone on this site, but the blame on the New Jersey Governor and Legislators who passed the law. The Troopers lived up to their oath, the politicians did not.

  11. Of course the State Police are at fault they behave as though they aren’t constrained by constitutional strictures. They knew what they were doing was unconstitutional but as demonstrated time after time they will see what they can get away with. I am in my sixties and after 911 the entire law enforcement system from the fbi on down is out of control.

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