Controversial Congressman INFURIATES Biden Administration On Gun-Free Zones


Let’s shoot straight here: Most members of Congress, regardless of which party they are members of, have never read the Constitution. Of the tiny few that have, almost none of them care what the Constitution says. To them, it’s only something to call upon to get people fired up to vote for them and to use as a bludgeon if they can, somehow, use it to get their way over someone else in Congress.

The amount of ignorance among our elected officials is beyond disgusting.

There are a very (very) few (you can probably count them all on one hand) in Congress who take their oath of office to uphold the Constitution seriously, though, and we’re talking about one of those statesmen today because he recently made a move that, once you read it, you know will make the Biden administration spitting mad. It made me proud.


We’re talking about Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie, who, if you’ve read this site for any amount of time, you know is a serious supporter of the Second Amendment (here is a personal favorite story about him that will give you a chuckle). So, what did, Massie do? Here are details from a press release from Massie’s office:

Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces his re-introduction of the “Safe Students Act,” H.R. 7415. The “Safe Students Act” repeals the “Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990,” (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA’s one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones. Enactment of the “Safe Students Act” would make it easier for state and local governments and school boards to unambiguously set their own firearms policies. 

“Gun-free zones are ineffective and make our schools less safe. Since 1950, 98 percent of mass public shootings have occurred in places where citizens are banned from having guns,” Rep. Massie said. “Banks, churches, sports stadiums, and many of my colleagues in Congress are protected with firearms. Yet children inside the classroom are too frequently left vulnerable.”

“The only thing gun-free zones do is disarm law-abiding citizens and take away their ability to protect themselves and others. We shouldn’t leave our most vulnerable – our children – in an unsafe environment like gun-free zones where acts of violence cannot be stopped,” Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) said.

You know that everyone in the Biden White House was gnashing their teeth about this bill. It’s just warms my heart to think of it.

And Massie is absolutely right, gun-free zones don’t save lives. They make people sitting targets, and with most schools being gun-free zones, is it any wonder that so many mass shootings happen on school campuses?

I’m just going to say it: I wish that the Representative from my area (I can’t say they actually represent my interests) cared about the Constitution, including the Second Amendment, as much as Thomas Massie does. He’s the kind of representative that the American people deserve instead of what so many of us have to deal with.



  1. This provides a step in the right direction. Parents in each district need a voice in deciding gun policy for the campuses located in the district.

  2. The meaning of a “Gun Free Zone” translates to “Unarmed Sitting Ducks Inside.” BTW, The Criminals DON’T CARE or abide by those signs!

    • Demonrats want children to be sitting ducks; it’s a variation of the mass murderers in the USSR and Nazi German in order to “persuade” the people (as in “Ve vill persvade you”) to give up their freedom and accept a tyrannical Police State. Any American worthy of the name would liv a lawless anarchy than the likes of a communist dictatorship. Sad to say but far too many of the latter types have too much power and influence.

  3. Their gun free zones are nothing more than another power mongering tactic for control. If they want to make the country safer take guns away from the capitol police.

    • Since Jan6 it is obvious that you are absolutely right. Those creeps have already tortured two persons to death; in fact, it is being rumored that the “suicide” – since his family was not permitted to see him – may have “gotten suicided” by that gang of creeps.

  4. I agree. I served 20 years in the U.S.Navy and carried a .45 Colt and after retirement worked in law enforcement. I was certified in the military and civilian community’s. I served as church security at two other churches have a CWP permit and understand how important the right to properly carry puts the burden on on any given situation that occurs. We who are trained have ability to lawfully carry in every state also because to us that carry definitely have that burden. NO GUN FREE ZONES.

  5. Demonrats want children to be sitting ducks; it’s a variation of the mass murderers in the USSR and Nazi German in order to “persuade” the people (as in “Ve vill persvade you”) to give up their freedom and accept a tyrannical Police State. Any American worthy of the name would liv a lawless anarchy than the likes of a communist dictatorship. Sad to say but far too many of the latter types have too much power and influence.

  6. Ron DeSantis for President; Massie for VP and Trump for Speaker of the House! Sounds like a winner to me!

  7. mass shootings will never happen when everyone can carry a firearm anywhere
    and this is my email address idiots incharge you dumbasses another email address have you got that dummies

    you would not know an email address if it was crawling out your ass

  8. Go read the Preamble to the Constitution, paying particular attention to the last part, “…. do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Now go to any dictionary, or even our liberal friend Google, and read the definitions of those words, “ordain” and “establish”. Aside from the one def, of ordaining a priest or minister, EVERY other definition tells us that the Founders, set the Constitution up as law. Federal law. And they did it CLEARLY. So, where do the gun grabbers, including P D B Joe, get the idea that the Constitution is a list of suggestions? Second question – – – How is it that our government members can VIOLATE the Constitution, which is federal law, and not be indicted, tried, and punished?

    tried and punished for violating it???

  9. I live by GOD’s laws and constitution of USA. If I have to obey laws that congress passes, WHY don’t they?. I propose any law that does NOT meet the above criteria be abolished ASAP, OR clean out our “government” and start over as per: The Declaration of Independance (part of the constitution). Use some common sense, IF you can find any!
    A PATRIOT who is STILL accurat ————— & NO MORE DEMOCRATS, EVER!

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