PREDICTABLE: Here Come The Lies About Constitutional Carry


With half of the states in the U.S. having passed some version of Constitutional carry or permitless carry, it’s no surprise that the anti-2A propaganda machine has started pumping out more and more disinformation as they panic about losing the possibility of stripping you and me of our Constitutional rights.

You may be more familiar, though, with a synonym of the word “disinformation.” That synonym is “lies.”

That’s right, anti-2A zealots are spreading lies about Constitutional carry. Dave Workman gives us just one of the many examples of these lies. Workman writes,


And the New York Post editorialized fearfully about the potential for increased violence if the Supreme Court rules within the next two months that New York State’s pistol licensing scheme requiring proof of “proper cause” to get a carry permit is unconstitutional.

In every case, authors of these opinion pieces exercise what might generously be called faulty reasoning to make their arguments.

The New York Post editorial drumming up fear over an affirmative high court ruling in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen—challenging the state’s good cause requirement to exercise the right to bear arms essentially lumps honest citizens in with criminals who already carry guns illegally, without a permit.

“And make no mistake,” the editorial alarmingly warns, “New York, which is in the midst of an alarming surge in gun crimes, needs at least some restrictions on who gets to own and carry guns… The last thing New York needs is for every Tom, Dick, and Harriet on the street to be carrying.”

The newspaper is talking about law-abiding citizens wanting to be treated like law-abiding citizens, by not having to provide a good reason to exercise a fundamental right.

The editorial laments, “Last year, 488 people were murdered in the city alone, many killed by a gun. That’s a whopping 65% spike over 2018 when just 295 were slain. Over the year, 1,857 people were hit by gunfire, and the number of shooting victims this year through April 24, 441, is already up 8.6% over the same period last year.”

Who does the Post editorial board think is responsible for all of this violence? It certainly isn’t honest citizens who can’t carry guns. The illegally-armed thugs against whom good people wish to defend themselves since the police apparently can’t are doing all of the shooting.

So, what is the specific lie here? It’s the implication that legal gun owners, who are rarely ever the ones committing gun crimes, are to blame for the surge in gun deaths in New Your City. But, statistically, it’s not legal gun owners causing those gun deaths; it’s criminals who aren’t legally allowed to have a gun anyway who are committing those crimes.

And that’s not even addressing how many defensive gun uses happened during the same time period.

Of course, I could go on for days just listing out one lying and misleading story after another against legal gun ownership, but you get the idea.

Just be aware that this nonsense is out there, and there are foolish people who believe it.



  1. Good article! You can argue all day why they’re so dishonest about concealed carry but the fact of the matter is that their sole goal is to disarm all of us regardless of the facts so that they can control us. Look at Australia, Venezuela, any of the Baltic nations, Cuba and anywhere else on the planet. They are now ripe for hostile government takeover. Cuba and Venezuela are already done, but the rest are on the chopping block! We will not let them do that!

  2. The answer should be pretty simple: Go read the Preamble to the Constitution. Now, double-check the last part, that says, “….we do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.
    Now. go to ANY dictionary, or even our good ol’ liberal pal, Google, and look up the definitions of those words, “ordain” and “establish”. Got it? Except for the one mention of ordaining ministers, ALL the other definitions are clear, direct, and strong. Now, remember- The Preamble is what initiates the Constitution. It says, “Here it is, this is what we give you”. You’ll notice that it’s written as ORDERS, not suggestions. “shall not be infringed” means exactly what it says. Here’s another thought. The Constitution is given to us as law. And that means, of course, FEDERAL LAW –which if some corrupt member of government violates that law HE HAS COMMITTED A FEDERAL CRIME, and should pay for it.

  3. These lies suppose that if you give law abiding people guns the gun violence will go up!!! This makes no sense. These idiots should be taking the guns away from criminals instead of us good tax paying voters who put these idiots into office. I call on everyone to vote against any politician who supports gun control. Most if not all of these politicians have people with guns to protect them, all I’m asking for is to be able to protect myself and family. Just wait till the food and gas shortages start. Then we will see who needs a firearm???????

  4. The media and anti-gunners said that Florida was going to be the new WILD WEST when they issued numerus permits and the only thing that happened was the CRIME WENT DOWN …

  5. You have to remember New York is a cummunist state Run by a cummunist. So yes expect all media in that state to write lies. There are no REAL Americans in New York. If there was they would kick the cummunist out there is your proof!

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