Why Does Biden Continue To Push 1 FAILURE’S Unpopular Policies?


It’s fascinating to me to watch people do something that fails when everyone else does it, but they somehow think that it will be different this time (even though they’re doing it the same way). They seem to think that they have some mystical charm that will make work this time.

Hint: It almost certainly won’t.

We’ve seen that in all areas of life. The guy who thinks that he has the magical metabolism who can eat Big Mac’s and drink soda at every meal of the day and live to be 95. The thing is, it didn’t work for that guy’s father, and it probably won’t work for him. Not to be mean, but I hope that his life insurance policy is paid up to take care of his family when he’s gone.


In the same way, I see politicians push for policies that keep preventing people from getting elected. In today’s example, think back to how Beto O’Rourke said that he was going to take our AR-15s and AK-47s. How did that go for him? He didn’t win the nomination, so, obviously, he didn’t get elected President.

Bizarrely, though, Joe Biden (or his handlers running the show behind the scenes) have him pushing for those same Beto O’Rourke failed policy positions. Emil Akan writes,

Speaking at a gun safety summit in West Hartford, Connecticut, Biden promised to take more actions, including banning assault weapons, ending immunity for gun makers, and instituting background checks.

“We will beat the gun industry. We will beat the big money that’s just behind them and the politicians who refuse to stand up and act,” Biden said during the National Safer Communities Summit at the University of Hartford.

Now, you have to ask why Biden has the strange idea that pushing to ban “assault rifles,” which is simply code for AR-15s, will, somehow, bring him the popular vote in the 2024 election.

It won’t.

Yet, for some bizarre reason, they keep pushing it. It’s truly strange.



  1. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
    As for ENDING IMMUNITY FOR GUN MAKERS, they are only immune from the miss use of there product not defects of the product, that is like saying you can sue the HAMMER MANUFACTURE because someone hit you in the head with their hammer …

  2. The big problem is that most of his audience believes Biden’s Lies. That the Big Problem we Pro 2A Activists face, is combating the Ignorance and Misinformation/Disinformation the Anti 2A Morons, like Biden, preach.
    Biden’s knowledge of Firearms and the 2nd Amendment wouldn’t fill a teaspoon. In every statement he has made, his Ignorance shines forth, yet the Media rarely calls him out for his Lies.
    Biden never taught school, period. His Professorship is Honorary and his name never appears in any course syllabus’ at the University that granted the honorary degree.
    Biden Failed as a Lawyer. He made more money managing properties than he ever made as a Lawyer. That’s the reason the stupid son of a bitch went into politics in the first place.

    • The audience likes believing the lies, look at the GOP. They cheer on Trump’s obvious lies and practically worship him. So are we surprised people who favor gun control don’t challenge the stupidity Biden preaches?

  3. When Trump was a Democrat contributor, the media, masses of Dems LOVED him. But as soon as he announced his entry as a Republican, he has been damned, cursed, spat upon, and harrassed by those same Democrats! He was running against their ‘Queen’ Hillary, and this INFURIATED them!

    Then he had the UNMITITATED GALL to actually BEAT her! THAT took the cake! He was subjected to an impeachment even BEFORE assuming office. THen one while IN office, Then another begun after LEAVING office, but stopped by Pelosi in a rare monemt of sanity!

    Why all the furor? Trump did the OUTRAGEOUS! He actually FULFILLED most of his promises. Building the wall on our souther border was begun, but stopped on Day One by Bumbling Biden!

    In MY estimation, it’s actually due to his NOT being a ‘professional politician’! (PATOOEY!!) He DIDN’T immeditely trying to fill his own pocket, something most of those ‘professional pols’ begin on Day One in office! UNTHINKABLE! Note: Trump actually LOST money in office, unable to make decisions for his own company!

    And that ‘promises fulfilled’ thing! Ghastly! NO sef-centered ‘professional pol’ would EVER do this. If they did, they couldn’t say they needed to stay in office to ‘complete their mission’ (which they NEVER do, thus their ‘need’ to remain! And again, and again!

  4. He’s just trying to look good to his Bosses! They tell him to push for bans on any gun that is not a single shot, so when the regime’s goons come after us, we can only fire one shot before we catch return semi- or full-automatic fire from them! Even the fastest bolt action rifle takes between 3/4 to 1 second to cycle, whereas a standard semi- auto can fire three rounds while you’re racking your next shot! Then, there’s another 1 to 1 1/2 seconds for you to re-acquire your target while they’re pumping another 8 to10 rounds at you! That, in a nutshell, is why the regime wants to ban semi-auto weapons in civilian hands!

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