Multi-Billionaire ADMITS Real Reason They Want To Ban Guns


When I was a kid, I remember watching Scrooge McDuck cartoons where he would dive into piles of money in his vault like it was water in a swimming pool. It was silly and absurd, and it was fun to watch as a kid.

As an adult, I don’t think that type of thing really happens, of course, though, it’s clear that there are some people who live a different type of lifestyle that your average person due to the amount of money that they have. Call them elites, call them the uber rich. Whatever you call them, they’re the ones with their own private luxury jets, multiple million-dollar homes, and are traveling yearly to hear scary talks about finding ways to prevent guns and ammunition purchases in conferences of world leaders (like you can hear here).

My point here is not to talk about how good or bad their lives our (except for the planning on banning guns part). My point is that there are people who live a life separate (some would say “above”) the rest of humanity.


And one of the members of that exclusive group of people just broke their silence about why they want to ban our guns. David Codrea writes,

“The multi-billionaire owner of luxury jewelry company Cartier has revealed his greatest fear – robots replacing workers and the poor rising up to bring down the rich,” the U.K.’s Independent reports. “Speaking at the Financial Times Business of Luxury Summit in Monaco (obviously), the fashion tycoon told his fellow elite that he can’t sleep at the thought of the social upheaval he thinks is imminent.”

Johann Rupert’s first concern is that  “the middle classes won’t want to buy luxury goods for fear of exposing their wealth.”  Then he realizes “We are destroying the middle classes at this stage and it will affect us. It’s unfair. So that’s what keeps me awake at night.”

Here’s the thing: People like Rupert appear to think that it’s robots taking jobs that will cause a violent uprising. It’s probably not, though, because people can find other types of work if they have to (I’m not saying that it’s easy. I’m just saying that they can and will find ways to take care of their families).

No, what’s much more likely to cause an armed rebellion that this guy fears is the way that multi-billionaires like himself collude with governments to run every little part of our lives and prevent us from feeding our families in any other way than by working for them.

People won’t riot about not working for big corporations owned by some wealthy people. But people will riot when those wealthy people use governments to disarm everyday people and keep those people from finding other kinds of work.

They want you under their thumb, and they want you disarmed. And people don’t like to be controlled like that.

And preventing that kind of oppression is the entire reason that the Second Amendment is in place in America.



  1. The French Revolution didn’t have guns. They used the tools they used every day, to make a living. They also used the guillotine to I to deal with the ultra rich.

  2. Robots taking jobs is a very real possibility, and if the robots take over half of them, there won’t be anything else for many of the people to do. The author is being a bit optimistic by assuming there will always be work that pays well enough to support a family. That work didn’t exist during the Great Depression, and it doesn’t exist now. Certainly our government says there are twice as many jobs out there as there are people looking for them, but most of those jobs are low-skill, low-pay jobs that will eventually be done by robots. And what happens when AI takes over entire financial departments at companies? All those people will be without work, and no accounting jobs will be available.

  3. America is unique with its over 400M guns. I think they might take down the grid & let desperate people & criminals kill each other off & they’ll come in later to mop up what’s left. Massive depopulation is also in their plan & the injections they call “vaccines” are a big part of that.

    • Can’t agree that there’s that many “desperate people and criminals” for us to worry about. But an armed public won’t allow tyranny and that’s what the Left is after.

  4. Eventually, robots break down, robots can fix themselves if the electrical grid should fail. Robots can’t function if the batteries are dead. Humans must be around when robots can do
    the job they need to do. Computers crash as well. Robots can fix them to a point until the mother boards burn up then they are done, toast. Corporations will take computers and robots for granted and no human is going to bother learning how to fix them. Then we are doomed as a country or a civilization.

  5. Please do not take offense at my comment which
    The wealthy,for the most part, don’t have a clue as to what hard work is. I waitressed from the age of 12- catering to the wealthy tourists in my hometown. We depended on tips so you better believe I busted my barely legal butt for my $12 a week pay…this to buy school clothes and supplies,and contribute to the income my dad made building houses for the wealthy,and my mother cleaning those houses.

  6. This is the last generation of this age of grace, and the Bible said all these things would happen before Jesus comes back for those who love him in the first harvest (Rapture) when you see all these things happen look up your redemption is near !

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