ATF Raids Gun Dealer. What It Means For YOU


Joe Biden’s ATF seems to be looking to become the embodiment of everything that the founding fathers of the United States opposed: oppression, government overreach, and what some characterize as outright theft of private property (as in no due process at all).

With newly minted rules that stretch laws to the limits of credulity in what the ATF is saying that the laws apply to, along with a huge increase in aggression around private firearms ownership and legal sales of firearms, it seems clear that the ATF is seeking to become the right hand of a Biden overlord administration.

Now, if you’re not familiar with the disturbing trend of ATF open hostility to private gun ownership in the U.S., then, you need to look no further than the case of an Oklahoma FFL holder. Michael Clements gives us the ugly details:


As agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) left Russell Fincher’s house with 50 legally-owned firearms and his freshly relinquished Federal Firearms License (FFL), they offered him a tip.

“They said, ‘Tell all your FFL friends we’re coming for them next,’” Mr. Fincher told The Epoch Times.

An ATF spokesman said he could not comment on the June 16, 2023, raid at Mr. Fincher’s home in Tuskahoma, Oklahoma.

Now, if Fincher’s statement is true, it seems pretty clear that the ATF is coming for all FFL holders. Then, if you’ll remember, the Biden administration is wanting to require everyone who sells a gun, for pretty much any reason, to have an FFL to sell it (you can read more about that here).

So, if you have to have an FFL to sell pretty much any gun in any situation and the ATF is revoking FFLs, then, how soon before they put everyone who legally buys or sells a gun in jail?

These antics from the Biden administration and their ATF are nothing more than excuses to try to get around the Second Amendment to keep Americans from legally having guns (while being able to say that they haven’t “technically” banned any guns).

If this goes on, anyone who cares about the Constitution will be a criminal in the eyes of this Federal government.

The American people deserve better, and we can’t get these clowns out of office fast enough.



    • Our government doesn’t like the idea that is part of the reasoning behind the second amendment, our duty to overthrow a tyrannical government. As well as self defense and defense of our country. And with all thin as our military has been spread fighting the war on terror with massive troop deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan, trying to start a war with Pakistan when we sent military special forces across their borders to take it BinLaden, and all the other global policing we do besides the wars we are constantly in it’s a necessity to have the citizens that remain to be armed and to know how to use them. And not just armed but armed with weapons that are capable of fending off a military invasion. We may still have had military in the homeland, but the vast majority of our fighting force was deployed and already at war. So we were left with what, instructors, new recruits, short list personnel who were knocking on retirements door and high level brass? I don’t think that would work say if Putin actually stopped threatening long enough to actually put together an invasion force to land in Alaska, California and Texas in small groups like how the coyotes smuggle illegals across the border with Mexico essentially smuggling his military in. Then have then instead of bringing their own equipment bring just the basics and have them trained on our equipment. That way these small groups can meet up to form larger groups and attack completely unprepared military installations to take out personnel a well as to rearm and to become better armed. At the same time having groups linking up and taking ICBM silos and control rooms. Then really all they have to do is launch out own missiles either at us or at another nuclear country. Granted small groups will be wiped out with the incoming nuclear war heads but they will be heros back in Russia, even their kids and grandkids will enjoy a level of celebrity. And what better time then when the vast majority of our troops are deployed fighting a war in multiple countries at the same time and it’s the 3rd and 4th string left behind. Living in a country as hated as the United States is, with not just other countries that would love to wipe us off the map but every terrorist organization that can speak our countries name knows even a failed attempt to harm us gets them noticed and people talking about them, new recruits, new money to carry out more attacks in the hopes that one will work. It wouldn’t take much to do something like 9/11 all over again. But even a fart bomb will get them more than they have. Firearm ownership and training should be mandatory for every citizen 16 and up. With a target the size of the one on our back, with a government that only interest is to increase their own personal wealth and really have no intention of running the country much less building it and making it better passing laws to benefit themselves and their businesses rather than the citizens and using laws to block citizens from being able to do anything about what they have done then we have no choice, the only sane option is to own firearms, to own what they call weapons of war. If there is the slimmest possibility that private citizens will have to face a professional military, even if that is in the form of it’s own government, and I do believe I have laid out very good chances that we will then we have to have the same weaponry that will be brought to bear against us. It makes sense why our government doesn’t want us to have that with the chance of it being used against them. But in the eventuality of an invasion or terrorist attack then it seems they would want everyone capable of firing a weapon to have one that will put the enemy down while facing the least loss of life as possible. But they don’t care. They would rather us not have weapons at all and leave the homeland unprotected while they go off and fight 20+year long wars that really have no set way of defining if we met the objectives that would bring an end to the war. Or if we are even winning. A body count that’s it. Whoever lost the fewest soldiers wins. Disgusting. I really wonder how this country ever made it this long. It’s truly astonishing.

  1. I can’t stand this ATF ghestopo regime we have in this country. We pay ALL the taxes that finance the payroll for thess @ss clowns so what?, so they can turn and bite the hand that feeds them?
    We need to defund the ATF, and any other government terrorist organizations that want to persecute the honest American and still leave the criminals alone. Turn over the ATF mandate to local police and let them deal with the criminals and hopefully they will be too busy to go after honest Americans. The federal government has so much free time on thier hands that they can harass honest Americans. I find it sickening that you see the ATF, FBI in full tac gear breaking down doors of honest people and then giving threats like ” tell your friends thier next”, why dont we see them in tac gear making the same entrance to gangs and thugs in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland?, I’ll tell you why, because those tactics will get them killed.

  2. Don’t the Dems, Libs, and a number of Republicans (RINOs) already consider most if not all law abiding US citizens either criminals or terrorists if they don’t agree with their warped, illegal, and unconstitutional agenda??

  3. looks like Biden, ATF, IRS and tHE FBI ARE TRYING DRAG. US GUN OWNERS AND THE BUSINESS THAT SALE GUNS INTO SOME KINDA WAR ,they already accuse-us of being terrorist and what does the feds do with terrorist ? they hunt them down and kill them !!! “just a thought “

  4. SSG M.E. Smith, John, I agrees with you and others they art to leave ups American or U.S.citizens along and worried about the criminals, they are the ones who has gun and illegal gun ( smile ).

  5. I agree, Gestapo is dangerous must make all effort to find out who followed those illegal orders and knew they were following unlawful commands They’ve broken the law so they must face the horrible price of treason. Our constitution is the law of the land. No one can change it, but the ones who break our constitution or traitors, an enemy combatants to the American people, every single person that violates, our constitution there names must be reported along with the one that gave the order from the top down. I say it’s time to find a judge that will follow the constitution deputize the militia and go and arrest every single person that was involved in following an unlawful order plus the one who gave the order if they will not start obeying the law that includes judges, attorneys law enforcement agencies that includes any of the three letter agencies, the law is the law they cannot say they’re going to legally disobey the law and not suffer the consequences these judges that will not obey their oath. They are traitors and must face the horrible price of treason and its time. These people learn that these politicians and law-enforcement agencies work for the American people they were hired by the American people they took an oath and plainly‘s in front of the public and other employees decided they can break the law whenever they feel it is necessary. They must give up their name, rank, and ID number, and they must face a judge that intense on upholding our laws according to the constitution, that they swore an oath to protect, we must start finding out who will stand on the side of the American people and who will side the outlaw, politicians, law enforcement agencies, and when the time comes, there can be no mercy for these traitors to our country and don’t forget vote Donald John Trump president US 2024 MAGA

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