Called ‘Grandma’s Gun.’ Should You Use It?

Screenshot from YouTube video.

There are many things about grandmothers that most everyone celebrates. Most people wish they could still hear their grandmother’s jokes. Many people miss their grandmother’s cooking (I certainly do). It’s very common to miss spending time with your grandmother, especially once they’ve passed.

But do most people want their grandmother’s gun?

In my case, I don’t have any memories of my grandmothers carrying firearms (my mother, on the other hand…), but one pistol has been called “Grandma’s Gun.” Is it one that you should use?


The answer? Maybe. Norman Turner lists this “Grandma Gun,” the Smith & Wesson M&P380 Shield EZ 2.0, as one of the ten best pistols for women. Turner writes,

This iteration of the Shield was released in January 2023 and claims its rightful place as a descendant of the M&P family, which was first introduced by Smith & Wesson in 2006. You may be aware of its cousin, the popular Bodyguard, which is also chambered in .380 Auto.

The gun is the stretch version, and the appeal—as is implied by its “EZ” nickname—is its easy ability to manipulate the slide and many other things. Smith & Wesson also claim that the magazine is easy to load. It’s also easy to clean—and you don’t have to pull the trigger to disassemble it.

Turner continues

The term EZ is because of the slide operation is easy. In addition, it is easy to operate as a whole. Standing 4.98”, with a barrel length of 3.675” and overall is 6.7”.

Width of 1.15” and 1.43” including the slide “wings.” It weighed in at 18.5 ounces. The round capacity is 1+8 mag. Some of the other features include white three-dot sights front and rear, and the rear is windage adjustable. The barrel is Amornite Finished stainless steel.

Turner also notes the ambidextrous thumb safety and the underframe Picatinny rail.

Obviously, one of the biggest selling points of this pistol is the “EZ” aspect, and I have to tell you that my wife loves that as racking other pistols can be difficult for her with her hand strength.

Is the M&P380 Shield EZ 2.0 the right pistol for you or for a significant woman in your life? Obviously, you’ll have to decide that for yourself, but I know more than one person, both male and female, that like this line of guns.



  1. My wife has two of these. One is Black with no manual safety and the other is in Orchid color with a manual safety. She likes the low recoil of the .380 cartridge. A great weapon for those people who are elderly and frail but want the protection of a low recoil handgun. Highly recommend this firearm.

  2. My wife owns an M&P 9MM Shield EZ. This gun is so easy to rack and shoot. She has Rheumatoid Arthritis is both of her hands. She finds it so easy to rack and shoot. She says that she is glad we found this handgun for her. Easy to conceal and very light weight.

  3. My grandmother didn’t have a gun, but she was deadly with a hoe or her bare hands. My mother, of course, had her own shotgun, and Dad had the heavier shotgun, a few rifles, and some handguns. I chose not to go the gun route, and learned to be very dangerous with a blade in close quarters.

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