What Law Enforcement Say Stops Mass Shootings: The Lie We’ve Been Told


One of the most despicable things about the mainstream media is how they pick and choose the “experts” that they interview and, then, pretend that that expert speaks for the whole group. It’s dishonest and wrong.

What’s worse, though, is that so many times the mainstream media actually pushes information that turns out to be dangerous in the real world (as opposed to their imaginations).

Take the way that they push for gun control all of the time. If you only listened to their biased half-information, you might agree with them, but, if you get the other side of the story, it becomes clear that gun control makes the world less safe from the dangerous people who will have guns anyway.


If you doubt that is the case, then, take a look at information related to the last half-century in one (non-American) country in particular (hat tip to here for the lead). John R. Lott, Jr. writes,

In response to terrorist attacks for decades, Israel put more police and military to protect people, but they found that no matter how much money they spent, they couldn’t cover all the possible targets. Before Israel then began letting civilians carry handguns in the 1970s, terrorists committed attacks in Israel almost entirely with machine guns. Afterward, terrorists usually used bombs. The reason was simple: armed citizens can quickly immobilize a gun-wielding attacker, but no one can respond to a bomber once the bomb explodes. Still, armed citizens have occasionally succeeded in preventing bombings. 

Like their Israeli counterparts, American police recognize their own limitations. “A deputy in uniform has an extremely difficult job in stopping these attacks,” noted Sarasota County, Florida, Sheriff Kurt Hoffman. “These terrorists have huge strategic advantages in determining the time and place of attacks. They can wait for a deputy to leave the area or pick an undefended location. Even when police or deputies are in the right place at the right time, those in uniform who can readily identify as guards may as well be holding up neon signs saying, ‘Shoot me first.’ My deputies know that we cannot be everywhere.”

Police1, the largest private organization for police officers with 749,000 officers, surveyed its members and found that eighty-six percent of them believed that casualties from mass public school shootings could be reduced or “avoided altogether” if citizens had carried permitted concealed handguns in public places. An incredible ninety-four percent of mass public shootings occur in places where civilians are banned from having guns. 

Seventy-seven percent of Police1 members supported “arming teachers and/or school administrators who volunteer to carry at their school.” No other policy to protect children and school staff received such widespread support.

The fact of the matter is that the Israeli government, now, and the overwhelming majority of law enforcement in the U.S. support civilian gun ownership, at least, in part, because it is the single most effective way to reduce deaths from a would-be mass shooter or mass murderer.

No wonder totalitarian regimes disarm their populace as one of their very first actions upon taking power.

The lie that the mainstream legacy media keeps telling you is that law enforcement supports gun bans, but the truth is that only ignorant people or people who want to control you like slaves want you disarmed. Most law enforcement officers are neither of those types of people.

Don’t believe the media’s lie about this.




  2. Government will never practice what they preach! Do we see them demanding their paid for by you armed protection to be stopped? NOPE! Just yours! And they all swore to uphold the Constitution! As for the corrupt courts! There is only one question to ask! (IS IT CONCIDERED ARMS? ) The question has been answered already by the Constitution! And any attempt to stop us from owning the arms of our choice should be thrown out! And All Government needs to live under the same laws! NO PROTECTION FOR US! NO PROTECTION FOR THEM! If we can call the cops! So can they!

  3. All you need to know is that if a rich buttwipe or politician won’t give up their gun enforced security then neither should you!

  4. one of the main reasons mass murders happen is because the killers know they will get away with scot free with life in prisen at we the tax payer and the victums families to pay for all their freebes

  5. If the government, especially Biden, Obama, the democrats, want to remove guns from honest citizens, let’s start with them. Remove ALL THEIR GUARDS and let them face the world the way they want the normal average citizen to live. I GUARANTEE you that they will no longer push to take away guns from us. And who knows, they might even decide to punish criminals.

    • You made the statement “honest citizens” I cannot with good conscience say that any politician is honest. That in my opinion is why they want to take from us that ability to protect ourselves. Our government says they know what is best for us and that they are protecting us from ourselves. wow what a crock, no politician has ever talked to me, nor knows what myself or 99% of our legal population goes through on a daily basis. And then the way too liberal say criminals shouldn’t have to pay for crimes committed. What about the victims? We pay taxes not because we want to, but because the politicians said we must. I would love to see the government actually do what’s right. Take care of problems in our Nation First, like Trump tried, I believe if people want to help other Countries, donate money, maybe have the government set up for each country and have donations then go to that cause, use my taxes to better the lives of our LEGAL CITIZENS

      • I agree with you, seemingly your experience and lack of ‘interaction’ or dialog with ANY and/or all of those feckless swamp critters is different from my experiences. Me-Patriotic Proud American, Vet-6yr service, very much Pro-2A, involved with county (& state GoP) though I see myself as more of a Libertarian, I strongly financially support LEO, first responders, medical professionals, i.e., nurses AND proven, legitimate veteran and active duty Special Forces organizations. I have regular dialog with my feckless CO front range critters and our g’vntr polis. They all receive short, bulletized dialog from me stating where they’ve gone wrong and the specific reasons why they are NOT my chosen representatives. Attended a local demokrat meeting yesterday, asked polite, respectful questions as to “why” his views and what he intends to to IF he beats down Lauren. Don’t give in, NEVER quit, we’re not done, we need every US Patriot on the offensive, we cannot lose this Beautiful Country and our unique Constitutional Republic experiment. I have kids and grandkids and I cannot leave this mess for them to inherit. Vote, Vote, Vote, insist that your friends and all related, VOTE no matter who they desire to vote for

  6. Amazing that is what the Nashville shooter did …
    The shooters are not that deranged or Crazy to pick on defended sites, HOW OFTEN DO YOU HEAR OF A POLICE STATION BEING SHOT UP ???
    Yet they want to take away your protection from these people …

  7. They keep putting more walls up against common lawful citizens to purchase guns and ammunition! Like that’s going to stop the criminal minded or terrorist cell members from getting their hands on anything in the world arsenal! This Government has let in 130,000 Palestinians in the past 10 years! How many are terrorist cell members, adherent to radical Muslim ideology! Weve had a couple hundred of them leave the US to fight for Al Queda, ISIS and Hamas?? This is just a continuation of the culling process of Americans by the liberal Marxist minded elements imbeded in our government!

  8. If the democrats get their way and come, under ANY circumstances, to take our guns upon gaining power, we still don’t have to let them, if we’re united. We only have to be waiting as they approach, with our guns loaded and ready to shoot. They’ll see it. We don’t need to say anything. As soon as they touch any of our guns or ammo, or any of us, SHOOT! If there are 150 million of us, how easily will they win? As soon as they approach and touch, they are waging war, not us. We merely shoot, because we will finish the war they started. Every ounce if it will be their fault, not ours. With our victory, they’ll pay henceforth, not us.

      • I am deadly serious, of course, but I want to take a moment to lightly respond to your reply to me where you say, “Yes sir re Bob’. Do you remember Gabby Hayes? He used to always say, “Yes sir re Bob”. If you don’t remember him (maybe you’re too young) please know you use his expression when you say or write that. Keep using it. It’s a good one from a good old guy from back then. And, as you put it, let’s pop the weasel if the time comes.

  9. I said back when this ASS got elected he was out to destroy this country and take away our weapons and lm right. Like old Ted Newgent said ,come and take them and you will die. So what is going to happen now ,is everybody going to just talk or are we going to do something about it? The only ones that will do something are the baby boomers and older, this younger generation they don’t give a shit about nothing but cellphones video games and I blame the PARENTS for the way kids are today . I’m retired now and I was at the s.s. office the other day what I heard from a very young girl just made me as mad as a hornet, she was talking on her cellphone bitching to her girl friend about how long it takes hear and when she was done talking on her phone I looked at her and said why don’t you look for a job there’s plenty of them out there all she said was I don’t have to I mean what was i going to say to that ..Everybody in this country except the wealthy are stressed to the max because of the high cost of EVERYTHING, their needs to be some kind of control on prices but we all know that will never happen. One more thing I think every government ASS state and federal should be forced out and have to live the way we have to, ya think that might open there eyes a little. Unless people get off there ass and do something it’s just going to get worse and worse and worse and worse. Am l right or wrong?

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