Is This The ULTIMATE Spy Pistol? [Video]

Screenshot from YouTube video.

One of my earliest memories as a child was watching James Bond movies with my father. I can remember sneaking out of bed to watch Thunderball or some other Bond flick on TV as he watched it past my bedtime, and I always found the gadgets and tools so fascinating. When I think about those gadgets and tools I can’t help but think about the character Q and the ideas that he came up with for spycraft.

Of course we don’t find that many spycraft items in general use these days, but you may not be that average type of person. Maybe you’re the type of person who still dreams of finding your way out of out of immediate danger and having the ultimate concealed carry weapon on you, and if that’s you, the Trailblazer Firearms’s LifessCard pistol is something you may already be familiar with (you can read more about that firearm here). This pistol is concealable to about a credit card size when folded up, but now they’ve upped the ante to make it not just ultimately concealable but even quieter than a .22 normally is. B. Gil Horman gives us details:

Among the more recent additions to the catalog is a threaded .22 LR barrel, which makes the LifeCard one of the smallest suppressor hosts currently available.

That’s right, you can, now, own a credit card sized .22 pistol (when folded up) that you can attach a suppressor to to make it… well, not whisper quiet, but less likely to bother your neighbors when shooting it in your backyard. Could Q be even more proud of this design?


But, if your aim isn’t as exact as you’d like with this pistol (after all, it doesn’t have a red dot on it), there is the option to be able to carry a few extra rounds to make sure that your plinking can get the job done (meaning that you actually can hit those old soda cans that you’re shooting at). Again from Horman:

The gun’s folding grip features a small ammunition storage compartment for three rounds of .22 WMR and .22 LR ammunition or six rounds of .22 Short. The sliding compartment cover was previously located along the interior edge of the grip. It was quite slim and a little tricky to use. It could be pulled out of the frame and lost. The pistols now ship with a wide, solidly installed polymer cover on the right side of the grip that is easy to use and provides better access to the compartment in case it needs to be cleaned.

You can see a video of this pistol in action with a suppressor below.

Of course, this pistol isn’t going to appeal to everyone (it’s not practical for the usual concealed carry purposes), but if you’re in the market for something a little different, this could be a neat little pistol to consider.



  1. They’re worried about accuracy and shouldn’t. The piece and the ones like it produced earlier were for assassinations, up close and deadly.

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