The Gun Stat They DON’T Want You To Know About


Statistics are interesting things. When you look at statistics in context, they can be an amazing source of information which you can use in order to make intelligent decisions.

On the flip side, statistics stripped of context can be manipulated horribly to add perceived credibility to an argument or position that the actual data doesn’t support (if you look at it in context to see what it’s really telling you). And anti-2A people are really very bad about taking data out of context to make it look like they have a moral high ground that they don’t have.

But we have some statistics for you that don’t really need much context to scare the living daylights out of anti-2A people. And, of course, that should be good news to you and me. Andrew Chapados writes,


The total of privately owned guns in the United States is estimated to have passed 500 million after gun sales for the month of October were the third-highest on record.

A year-over-year increase in gun sales for October 2023 signaled a new landmark for private gun sales in the United States. Ammoland reported approximately 1.33 million firearm sales, an 8.3% increase from October 2022, which has pushed the total number of privately owned guns in the country over the 500 million mark.

As well, October 2023 was the third-highest October on record in terms of gun sales.

Sales for 2023 have surpassed 12 million, and after correcting for resales, the number of total new purchases comes to about 10.4 million firearms. With an estimated 490 million firearms in possession at the end of 2022, this pushes private ownership past the half-billion mark.

That’s beautiful news to me.

Why? Because more legally owned guns in America means more legal gun owners in America which, in turn, means more pro-2A voters in America.

And that’s good for every American.



  1. 500,000 guns in the U. S. That IS good, but that’s not how many gun owners there are in the U. S. I think we should consider how many gun owners there are in the U. S.

  2. If the Progressive establishment really wanted to curb gun sales, they would enforce laws, apprehend the felons, prosecute them and incarcerate them. If they made the streets, the businesses, the people secure in their safety, secure the borders and evacuate the homeless to safe, secure encampments the law abiding rational citizens they want to disarm would stop buying ever more guns. Unless they feared the Globalists the Progressives support, of course.

  3. To the left context means nothing, but in reality CONTEXT is everything …
    You have to check everything the left says, in this day and age its easy the internet has videos, transcripts, and statistics of almost everything they care to take out of context …

  4. So many obviously don’t understand why the Second Amendment was written. Obviously, they never took any interest in U.S. history or the schools simply no longer teach it. The Second Amendment was written for two reasons. One, to give U.S. citizens the ability to protect themselves against a totalitarian government. One like we now face in this country. The other is to help protect the First Amendment. Sure, we need firearm laws. Not ANTI firearm laws or confiscation. And there’s something else that I feel is important. During World War Two, Japan was planning to invade the West Coast at one time. Admiral Yamamoto, who had spent quite a lot of time in the U.S. and was in command said, “Firearms are as plentiful as the blades of grass. Casualties would be unacceptable.” Those were the words of a man who understood our country and commanded men who considered it an honor to die for their emperor. What Biden wants to do is as un-American as it can be. In case of an attack, hunters, target shooters and gun collectors would help defend our country.

    • It’s the only reason this country has never had another try to invade because we probably are better armed than the military. But with the influx of illegals I think the invasion is already here so look closer to home on that note. Stay alert and vigilant because authorities have no clue who has walked across our borders

    • We checked our kids school books, they are not being taught the Declaration of Independence, which is the founding document of the USA and there was no mention of our Constitution, which are the laws, and rules of our nation and the rights of the people.
      But their history books, had five chapters on the USA’s evils of slavery. We pulled our kids out of public school and home schooled them. Our kids passed the SAT on their first attempt.
      These days it usually takes three attempts.

      • Thank YOU and YOURS for your efforts!
        Just wait till they change the S A T’s!!
        Even the non-English speaking ILLEGALS will pass!!!
        Just saying……………………………………

    • People have missed the actions of the Democratic Party, they have only one theme going forward, “control” and its just that simple. First guns, then your money and how you spend it, added taxes to increase their
      spending on marxist ideals. Unless we get them out of power after the 2024 election, the republic for which we stand will no longer exist.

  5. It’s quite obvious to me that the people that make up most anti-2A thoughts these days in the U.S. have little to no exposure to world and/orU.S. history. They are also caught in the belief that government is always going to protect them from all harm. After all, why do we have so many people willing to break the rules to cross our boarders. However, I’ve heard that some that ended up in Chicago were so disillusioned that they’re heading home!

  6. Much of the gun violence in the US is carried out by individuals who have lost their right to own guns. This information is not collected, organized and shared by US law enforcement at any level, so the public does not know if the individual has lost their right to own guns and is a repeat offender. This data would provide law enforcement with information they could use in tracking gun violence and could be used in court to support arguments for longer sentences, keeping them off the streets. Also, it would provide valuable information for arguments against the anti-gun lobby. Federal legislation designed to collect and record this data by federal, state and local law enforcement would be useful to the public. Law enforcement collects and makes public data on sex offenders, why not gun violence?

    • Maine has had “yellow flag” laws for a couple of years now.
      Unfourtunatly, they are not followed consistintly (aka Lewiston, ME).

  7. Every legal American citizen should own Firearms, have training, and government supplied ammo. Just to keep the government in check, enemies foreign and domestic in check. U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights all the way.

  8. Don’t count on all gun owners to vote for pro 2A candidates. Many elitist liberals believe THEIR gun is a right, YOUR gun is a problem

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