PATHETIC: Kamala Harris Just Made Herself Sound Like An Idiot


Let ‘s be frank here: Kamala Harris couldn’t make a convincing argument for something if her life depended on it. At least, not based on anything that I’ve seen from her. She just stumbles over words and phrases and repeats words in circular logic that is utterly unconvincing to anyone who can rub two brain cells together.

Now, I’m not saying that Harris isn’t an intelligent woman. I have no doubt that she is. She is doing a pretty terrible job of conveying any intelligence to other people, though.

Take recent statements that Harris made about the Second Amendment. Her lack of understanding of the issues is really appalling. Alex Nitzberg writes,


Vice President Kamala Harris has indicated that she supports the Second Amendment and gun control.

“I am in favor of the Second Amendment—and I’m also in favor of an assault weapons ban, universal background checks, and red flag laws. We can do both,” a tweet on the @KamalaHarris X account reads.

Florida state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia (R) was one of the many people who pushed back against Harris’ comments. “A venn diagram would say you’re contradicting yourself,” he tweeted. Harris has said that she loves Venn diagrams.

Ingoglia is absolutely right: You can’t have red flag laws (which take guns without due process) and have the Second Amendment at the same time. One is in direct opposition to the other, and it’s either a complete lack of understanding of what those words mean or an intentional lie to say that the Second Amendment and red flag laws can exist at the same time.

And, like anit-2A politicians in general, I think that she knows that she can’t support both at the same time. But that would mean that she’s a liar, which isn’t very nice, is it? Is it nicer to say that she sounded like an idiot trying to pretend that we don’t know the truth of the matter?

But Harris’s attempt to play both sides of the gun issue isn’t anything new, and her boss, Joe Biden, tried to do that all through the 2020 campaign.

It’s time that these anti-liberty zealots leave office, though, so, work to educate the people around you so that none of them vote for the clowns in the current administration again.



    • The U.S. BILL OF RIGHTS is for all people, not just for the goody to shoes, lf a person is denied the wright to own a hand gun then no one should own a hand gun.

  1. Kameltoe Harry@$$ is nothing but a stupid diversity hire.

  2. Let’s face it, our vice president is as big an idiot as our president. But at least our president has an excuse he’s 82 years old vice president is just a drunk and most likely a dope head.

  3. “PATHETIC: Kamala Harris Just Made Herself Sound Like An Idiot”
    “PATHETIC: Kamala Harris Is An Idiot”
    There – that’s better.

  4. How can anyone that has read and supports the 2nd. Amendment ( the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. ) with no restrictions or infringements as it says, still be for an infringement …

    But then she is a confused democrat and the old word INFRINGED is confusing her …

  5. Unfortunately only way to stop gun violence is with a gun. When responsible law abiding Patriots carry weapons they can turn their weapons on active shooters that are up to no good. Jon Lott said it so eloquently in his book ” More guns less crime.” Think about this for one moment. I am a bad guy with an illegal gun and I am going to rob rape and kill you for shits and giggles. But I certainly do not want to attack a person carrying a gun legally with a CCW. So I am going after the Sheeple in Gun Free Zones so I do not have to put up with the possibility of retaliation and certain death. All of the gun massacres in this country were successful by bad guys with guns in gun free zones (Where you can not legally carry a firearm) It was like shooting fish in a barrel because the fish could not shoot back. There is very little crime of a violent nature in gun friendly Red States because the people can legally carry and the bad guys do not know who may or may not have a gun to defend themselves. But now go to the Blue states where there are all these gun free zones and people can not easily legally carry guns and you have yourself a shooting gallery for bad guys with guns. Very little crime in Switzerland, Sweden, and other countries with liberal gun laws, Australia had warned the USA not to do what they did and surrender their guns to the government. When President Reagan said when the government comes to you and says we are here to help run the other way. The whole idea of the second amendment of the US constitution was to keep a tyrannical government in check. It never was for the right to go hunting, target shooting or to defend you home and hearth. It was to protect you from your own government. So remember that when someone says no one needs an AR 15 with a 30 shot clip to go deer hunting. That 30 shot magazine is an equalizer to what the government has. Remember that. A government who fears its people is a good government a people who fears its government are slaves to that government. I would rather carry a gun illegally because I can not get a legal permit to carry and be judged by 12 then to be taken under by 6. Gun ownership is a God Given Right, A Constitutional Right and the Right to Defend can not be nullified by gun control advocate who says you can’t, Miller v. United States says that an absolute Right can not be permitted and or licensed and you do not have to obey it and or it can not be enforced. Marbury v. Madison says that any law made repugnant to the US Constitution is null and void. The “Dick Act of 1902” says according to Congressman Dick that all gun control is null and void from here on. This law is still good and has never been repealed. The original Department of Homeland Security was the NRA ( National Rifle Association ) of which one out of three adults who were gun owners were members. The Department of Homeland Security today is a political joke and a useless organization and a waste of the tax payers money. I am qualified to make these statements as a licensed NJ Notary Public sworn not to lie to the public and a USAF Retired W-1 & 100% Service Connected Disabled Honorably Discharged American Vietnam Combat War Veteran of which I donned the uniform and took a solemn oath to defend the United States and US Constitution and my Oath has no expiration date. So I shed my blood sweat and tears and I can make this statement above without impunity and with credibility. I am Sir Daniel-M: Furesz USAF Retired W-1 Private Attorney General and Secured Party Creditor.

  6. Kamala Harris sounding like an idiot. Are you serious? Are you talking about the Kamala Harris that is the vice president? How could that be? I could never believe such a thing. Not Kamala Harris. Jackass,Dolt or Brain Dead maybe, but Idiot. Well, maybe.

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