Liberal AGs Push SNEAKY Form Of Gun Control


Evil people have a surprising amount of creativity when it comes to doing bad things to innocent people. Of course, this is one of the reasons that people should be allowed to legally have and carry firearms: to have that gun in the moment when an evil person surprises you with a new and unexpected way to be horrible.

You would think that anti-2A politicians would understand this basic concept. After all, they, as people pushing the evil ideology of gun control, keep coming up with ways to try to steal the rights of innocent, law-abiding Americans.

And, today, we have another way that anti-2A politicians are trying to sneak gun control into place, not directly, but knowing that will be the (intended) result of the policy that they’re pushing. Kevin Stocklin writes,


New York Attorney General Letitia James led a multi-state coalition of 20 attorneys general calling on the Biden administration to halt the sale of 5.56 caliber ammunition to civilians by the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, a Missouri-based supplier for the U.S. military.“Billions of rounds of military-grade ammunition manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant have been sold on the commercial market, leading to their use in many of the most tragic mass shootings in recent history,” the AGs stated in a Jan. 9 letter to the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. “We ask your Office to conduct an investigation into the contracting processes that led to this situation, and to take action to ensure that military-grade and military-subsidized ammunition stays out of civilian hands.”

The letter was signed by AGs from Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. While many of these states have been enacting restrictions on firearms, others, including Arizona and Vermont, maintain a tradition of relatively permissive gun laws.

However, all signatories expressed their desire to restrict civilian access to ammunition commonly used in semi-automatic AR-15-style rifles, citing in their letter mass shootings in which the 5.56 caliber was used.

I don’t know about you, but I find this attempt to prevent legal gun owners from being able to buy ammunition for their guns chambered in 5.56 absolutely disgusting.

These anti-2A clowns keep pushing the idea that a tool is the problem, when any rational look at the data in context makes it very clear that the problem is not, and has never been, the tool’s fault. Gun violence is completely the fault of the evil person who devalues the life of other human beings.

And the people with that problem are the people who keep trying to take your guns so that you can’t protect yourself from other people when attacked.



  1. Caleb Lee thanks for sharing. Same page! My hope is that Trump will get back into office and re-address all the BS executive orders that biden put in place. I appreciate your concerns and efforts into bringing awareness what’s going on politically. God bless America again.

  2. All gun laws or regulations are unConstitutional by the 2nd. 10th. and 14th Amendments …
    The 2nd. and 14th. the 2nd. is a right, the 14th. says States can’t take away a right …

    • Your right Robert ! all weapon laws are unconstitutional AND antichrist, example is in Luke 22:36 where Jesus said to arm up, because of the dangerous time coming, well they are here for sure !
      You don’t need Governments permission as that’s a contract that can be changed by the contractor Government. Your have Jesus command to be armed ! The 2-Amendment is also a guarantee, for civil liberty. Question is “Do we still have Religious liberty in America to obey our Lord and Savior ” ?
      Or are the local police going to follow the states agenda of arresting law abiding citizens on unconstitutional dictates ? They might read Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p.442 or 16 Am Jur 2d.Sec 177 late 2d.Sec 256.

  3. The more they do this shit, the more people walk away from the democrat party, and the morons don’t realize they are doing it to themselves.

    • DEMOCRATS Want People Controlled by the Government!
      The United States of America is a Republic. A Republic is a Government Controlled By The People.
      Americans that are registered as Democrat need to wake up and Vote the Democrat Party Politicians out of office. Then they (if they want to) can vote new Non Woke Democrats back into office they will do what they feel is best for the people. Not for their own political gain.

  4. How stupid can anti 2nd amendment people be.
    Most AR15s fire 223 Remington or 5.56 NATO ammo, although AR15s have been chambered with a number of other ammunition types, including 22 long rifle, 204 Ruger, 6.5 Grendel, 6.8 SPC, 300 AAC Blackout, and 458 SOCOM. AR15s can also shoot pistol ammo, such as 9 mm, 40 Smith & Wesson, and 45 ACP.

  5. That Missouri based ammo supplier has the right to contract and sell ammo to any law-abiding private entity it wishes to. All the gubmint can legally do is find another supplier if it doesn’t like that supplier selling to private entities. If the gubmint does something else about it, it’s a criminal and the gubmint employees responsible, whether elected or appointed, are subject to prosecution under law. The whole issue is as simple as that.

  6. It’s timer for action not talking. There’s taken far too long for them. Impeachment process should have been done 2 years ago. Let’s get it done.

  7. Forget Defending the “Second Amendment”,

    Start defending the “BILL OF RIGHTS”,

    The Constitution is very clear about how it is to be “AMENDED”, (Changed)

    and neither State or Federal has authority to change it by “LEGISLATION”.

    It’s not just the “Second Amendment” under attack but the “AUTHORITY OF THE WHOLE CONSTITUTION”


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