Corporate Giant Takes DISGUSTING Action Against Employees For Awful Situation


If you’re one of those people who just loves a story about how much we should hate politically left-leaning corporations, then, pay attention: today’s article is for you. Because what one left-leaning corporate giant did to two of its employees after a robbery will make you sick.

Before we get to the story itself, I want you to ask yourself a question: What would you do if you had two employees that, when attacked (as in actually physically assaulted) during a robbery, defended themselves and even enabled one of the robbers to be caught?

Just on the surface it sounds like these employees did the right thing, doesn’t it? Apparently, at least one corporation may have been supporting too many defend the police and anti-2A rallies, though. Carlos Garcia writes,


Two baristas who beat up two men who allegedly tried to rob a Starbucks in Missouri were fired by the coffee chain for their heroic efforts.

St. Louis police said 37-year-old Joshua Noe and 35-year-old Marquise Porter-Doyle rushed into a Starbucks on Dec. 17 with what looked like real handguns and demanded the employees hand over cash in the register.

When the employee said he wasn’t able to open the safe, Noe allegedly hit the employee in the head with his gun, but the gun shattered, and that’s when the victims realized they had fake guns.

Two of the baristas and some of the customers beat down the two would-be robbers and held Noe until police arrived. Porter-Doyle was able to escape, but police caught up with him later and arrested him.

That’s right, Starbucks fired them.

What were they supposed to do, let the robbers beat them up even more?

This is the kind of nonsense thinking that permeates leftist thinking about how to deal with crime. Leftists think that if you’re really nice when someone is trying to cave your head in with a rock that the bully will stop.

And that’s just not how reality works. Especially when the attacker has a gun (or a fake gun as was the case in this situation).

It’s for ridiculous things like this that Starbucks doesn’t deserve our money, and situations like this, where companies won’t let you carry at work in order to protect yourself, are why you need to find ways to support yourself and your family that don’t compromise your gun rights and, therefore, your safety.



  1. If anyone is still patronizing star bucks they are likely at the very least leaning left. I hope that there is some other outfit that will hire the two who were fired.
    BTW – are the customers who helped them out now banned from that place, that would seem to be logical based on ‘corporate’ policy.

  2. starbucks should go the way of bud lite i dont care if they charge the liberals 50 dollars a cup for their dreck

    • Dreck is right for their overpriced bitter swill of a coffee. Their leftist policies are the reason I won’t give them my business.

  3. Well the comany is out of a leftist liberal pro crime state so what else could they do but fire the employees who saved the company money and problems. One of the reason I do not buy that Seattle sewer water they call Starbucks

  4. I would NOT stop at Star Bucks if I was starving a drink of anything. I have NEVER spent a dime there and won’t. Star Bucks is a sewer!!!!

  5. That is the most unlawful thing that I have every heard of buy an owner. I would sue them for every thing that they have . What is this country coming to?

  6. Starbucks is a leftist corporation. But millions of stupid people continue to pay them big bucks for coffee. Most of the these idiots who patronize Starbucks are college educated idiots.

    I see the BMW’s and Mercedes SUV’s lined up at the Starbucks drive -through. I guess these lower level management pukes think walking in with a Starbucks latte makes them look cool. I could buy and sell these little pompous bastards.

  7. I quit starbucks many years ago when they decided to show preference in hiring to muzlims……

  8. Fu@k Starbucks and their outrageously priced merchandise!!!! That’s why I make my own coffee or go to 7/11 or DD. Plus, they don’t expect you to leave a tip for pouring hot water over some coffee grounds that they’ve charged you $12.00. They’re founded in Seattle another far left thinking place that thinks guns are the worst thing invented. Eventually everyone of those stupid vegan Democraps will get killed off by the cartel that have invaded our once awesome country and the ones that do survive will be begging us so called neanderthal gun owners to protect them, but I think I only have enough ammo to protect my family and my property. Maybe Kenny G who is one of the original investors of Starbucks will put down his clarinet and pick up something worthwhile that shoots bullets, but I’m not placing any wagers. Plenty of free coffee at Starbucks when the pu$$iy a$$ workers run away when the $hit hits the fan, because they already fired the two real heroes.

  9. What can you expect from Corporate, when you have people managing the company who are nothing but dummies with no common sense? It’s ok to Rob, but not ok to subdue a robber. What a dysfunctional management STARBUCKS has…

  10. How I love reading all these comments about this over-rated and over-priced liberal bunch of bean-beaters. I am in line with y’all as far buying their rot gut juice. Never spent a dime in their store. I will continue to support them in this manner. By the way, I never bought any of their products at the grocery store either.

  11. I’m not at all a legal expert but when reading this type of story and others where employers banned firearms in the work place why the fired employees can’t sue the company for failure to provide a safe work environment or some other reason that puts the blame back onto the business owner.

  12. It’s the huge far left Corps. like Starbucks, Walmart and the rest, that want to let criminals rob their stores, they are dragging our country down. It’s not just the corps. that pay the insurance premiums increase when theirs goes up, it come out of our pockets also, in their other stores / areas when they raise the prices, to cover their criminal giveaways, and when we pay our own insurance. First they over charge the idiot customers 4x what a cup of mud ( what Starbucks calls coffee), and they try to force employees into not defending themselves and fire them if they do. I wonder how many Star Bucks, Walmart or other top corp guys, would let themselves get their A** beat or killed on the street, without putting up a fight of some kind ? Or are they themselves actually the bunch of chicken sh*t puss*es, that they want their employees to act like ? Either way, it’s time to Bud Light Star Bucks and the rest !

  13. Anonymous:
    Seems like there is a simple solution: Let’s try to paint Corporate Starbucks as the good guys and say they are more concerned about the thieves and employees not getting hurt. That I can understand. It’s an insurance issue. So, instead of firing good employees, they should focus on eliminating the cause. A simple solution would be for Corporate Starbucks to instruct all their stores that the store safe should be left unlocked and visibly swung open so that the thieves can simply brush the employees aside, empty the safe, and walk out without having to cause employees or thieves any possible harm. In fact lets make it even safer for everyone and put the safe out on the sidewalk in front of the store with a sign saying “Help Your Self”.

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