State Gives BIZARRE WOO-WOO Reason For Court Ruling On Guns


There’s a strange world that anti-2A people live in that I wish were actually reality. I admit it. I would love for the world to work in such a simplistic way that just doing one thing magically makes all the bad stuff go away. If life were that easy and simple, it really would be nice.

But that’s not the way the world works, and you would think that grown adults would get that by now.

Apparently, though, one state’s Supreme Court not only doesn’t get that, but they think that their desire for “good vibes” (or something along that line) will keep them safe from criminals.


I wish that I were kidding.

But you can read about their bizarre reasoning for yourself. Carlos Garcia writes,

The state Supreme Court of Hawaii cited “the spirit of Aloha” in a 57-page ruling that residents did not have a Second Amendment right to bear arms, and it was mocked and ridiculed mercilessly on social media.

“The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities,” read the ruling written by Justice Todd Eddins.

“The history of the Hawaiian Islands does not include a society where armed people move about the community to possibly combat the deadly aims of others,” Eddins added. “We hold that in Hawaii there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.”

The “spirit of Aloha?” I mean, I understand being friendly and wanting peace. I really do.

But criminals (including tyrants) don’t exactly go along with the idea that if you’re friendly to them, they’ll be nice to you. No, they want you to comply and give them what they want and to serve them or your life may be forfeit.

Not exactly friendly.

So, while the Hawaiian Islands may not have a history of violence and warfare (possibly due to how remote they are from other populous areas), that doesn’t mean that it won’t come to them whether they like it or not.

Because criminals don’t respect your intentions. The only thing that they respect is your ability to hurt them worse than they hurt you.



  1. The only way you are ever going to stop gun violence is unfortunately which is a fact is with a gun. Why do you think active shooters choose gun free zones to attack their victims. Because they know no one is going to be shooting back at them. Do you think there is a lot of crime in Wyoming, Montana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, or New Mexico. No there isn’t because in these states it is encouraged for people to carry concealed. A bad guy isn’t going to choose to rob you hurt you or rape you if you can defend yourself with equal power as he has. The bad guys are cowards. They do not obey laws. They will have guns when law abiding people do not. This is why if a law was made that guns are out lawed then I will become an outlaw. Why because it is far better to be judged by 12 then to be carried under by 6. Having 911 on speed dial isn’t going to help you during a home invasion but a Colt model 1911 with 2 clips will. My daddy didn’t raise a fool. He raised a Hunter Safety Course Instructor who was cub Scout a boy Scout and then became an Air Force Retired W-1 World Wide Disaster Preparedness Officer. As a Department of Defense Certified and Qualified Combat Shooting Safety and Defense Instructor believe me teaching gun Safety is Paramount. Protecting ones life or that of others is not an option it is a Duty. This is not just words but a code of Honor that I live by. MOLAN LABE means come and get them and the Marine Corps Mantra is DON’T TREAD ON ME with a snake poised ready to strike at a moments notice of being stepped on by the enemy or even our own Tyrannical government should it ever get out of hand. Please stand with me to advocate for Gun Safety, Gun Preparedness, Gun Ownership and the Protection of our Precious 2nd Amendment Rights. The 2nd amendment is not a privilege for some but a Right for all. It is a God Given Right, A Human Right, A Civil Right and it shall never be infringed. I was willing to give up my life to fight for these rights and to keep America Free. One more thing please if you have any common sense about you whatsoever you must vote for Trump on 2024 or our country goes to hell in a hand basket.

  2. No History of WarFare? Apparently the bombing of Pearl Harbor was an random act of kindness committed on the Islands by a foreign entity! It seems to me from reading somewhere, I’m thinking it was a novel written about the history of Hawaii, James Michner IIRC, now his writtings are more historical based on his research combined with some fantasy but never the less, there is a great deal of historical research done on his part and even though the Islands are very isolated, there were still some conflicts. I could be wrong on that but over the course of history, even isolated remote regions such as these islands were not COMPLETELY imume to occassional invasions by outsiders, infighting amoung its people simply because as humans, people tend to disagree with each other. Even in these primitive societies, there was a court system of sorts, issues were brought before the King and a council possibly and a ruling was made on behalf of the interested parties. The Pacific Islands have always been stumbled upon by other groups of people wondering around in boats, getting lost is storms and finding their way to other islands just as they did anywhere else on the globe, wondering around on Horses, marching on foot. In the case of the islands, I do believe that once the people that established themselves as native Hawaians had run ins with outsiders they simply did away with them because there were so few invaders and any records were simply not kept. Never the less, I know of NO society anywhere on this earth that did not have weaponry from spears, knives, bows and arrows, made of sticks and rocks or bones on up to more modern designs. There has to be an obvious reason for that. The Somoan people amoung others have a rich history of warriors, conflicts, as do the peoples of all southeast Asian regions, Japan, the Phillipeans. To not realize this is nothing more than as is said of an Ostrich with its head in a hole. My point is that since the beginning of human existance beyond what the Bible tells us about Adam, Eve, and their first 2 children, conflict has been an ever present thorn in our sides with not 1 society being excluded. Anyone that doesn’t realize this is simply not exercising the most basic mental function! Well maybe the THINKING part is above basic function, above breathing, eating, sleeping, etc.. The one thing that I was told that seperates humans from animals, the power to reason is obviously not present in this group of animals (not humans) that hold to such idiologies as mentioned here in this post. My wife continuosly asks me why I feel the need to chime in on these topics, her position is to simply consider the source of such idiousy and ignore it. Well I wasn’t around during Hitlers time but I think a lot of people tried to ignor him too, we all know how that turned out or should. Jesus spoke of seperating oneself from worldly issues but he also told his disciples to acquire a sword because they would be needing it at some point. You can see that in the book of Luke. It seems to m even though he was for the most part a pacifist, he had the intellegence to know pacifism was not going to be common thing as long as this world had influences contrary to that. I myself hope to see such a world some day where the spirit of Aloha is a reality, but I’m not holding my breath for it.

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