Is This Ruling A Move Towards Gun EQUALITY?


Equality is a big deal these days. Not to be confused with the woke concept of equity, equality means that everyone has the same rights and opportunities. You know, equal treatment under the law and those types of ideas.

Most people would agree that those are good things. Until it gets to subjects that the political left doesn’t like. Then, they don’t want equality, they want everyone to bow down and lick their boots like an obedient servant class.

Fortunately, there are many Americans who won’t play along with the leftist power plays and keep pushing back to keep our rights, like our guns rights. And even to restore those rights when they had been stripped away from legal, non-felon adults. Patricia Tolson writes,


A Pennsylvania appeals court has denied a petition to rehear a Pennsylvania case that challenged statutes prohibiting young adults from carrying firearms for self-defense and from acquiring a license to carry a firearm.

The Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has sided with a pro-gun rights group by refusing to rehear a case in which the group’s opponents sought to restrict the ability of young adults to carry firearms. The Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling on March 27 that denied a petition for a rehearing of the Second Amendment Foundation’s victory in a case that challenged statutes prohibiting law-abiding adults aged 18–21 from carrying firearms for self-defense and blocked them from acquiring a license to carry a firearm because of their age.

The appeals court’s decision to deny the petition by the defendant—the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police—to rehear the case means it was standing by the opinion of the United States Court of Appeals that the defendant’s position—that the three young plaintiffs were “not among ‘the people’ to whom the Second Amendment applies”—was wrong.

This is exactly the right ruling on this case.

Legal adults, people who can be prosecuted under the law as adults for anything else that adults can be prosecuted for should have the same rights and privileges. It’s absurd to think that young adults, who are trained to use firearms by our military and sent overseas to use firearms more powerful than they can legally buy here in the U.S. as civilians, should be prevented from being able to buy and own guns.

But it’s typical leftist thinking that they’ll say it’s about rights and equality and such things unless they didn’t want you and me to have those things anyway. Then, it’s only their government bureaucrats who they want to have guns.

Good for those who filed this case and for those who issued the denial to rehear this case.



  1. The 2-A is a guarantee, it is a God given right to self protection for you and your family and as far as equal rights we have been losing them now for decades. Cops can open carry guns but Citizens cant with out buying a permission slip. All laws are and were made to be the same for ALL people. Who do the Cops work for now. The new 4th Reich ? Something for the Cops to think about ! The swore an oath to support and DEFEND the Constitution, not to dismantle it to “Keep there job”. All these gun laws are not law but a breach of oath of office by whomever seeks to enforce them it a breach of oath under “Title 5 U.S.C. sections 7311 and 1333” Also look up one of many court decisions as, Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p.442 and also 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec177 late 2d Sec 256. So why are we not equal these days ? The arrest the wrong people, Get the Oath breakers Its a federal crime look it up !

  2. people should have the wright to own guns america becase of people have guns that is why america is america from the brits of england

  3. the “right to life” came from GOD, not gov’t. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion become duty. YOU will be treated as insignificant and irrelevant until YOU can prove otherwise. “fear is the passion of slaves” April 15th

    • Sometimes the error is in the “talk and text’ which is obviously very low class in education.

  4. When we finally follow the principle of self-defense to its origin, namely self-preservation, i.e., the basic instinct of all living entities, plant or animal, to survive, we will have settled the fallacy and fantasy that is called “gun control.” Guns are but a tool or instrument, and they are but a means of self-preservation. The contradiction of “gun control” is that it is PEOPLE CONTROL! You cannot control the minds of men by controlling the objects available for them to use. This is self-evident!

  5. Unless the author is talking about artillery, the AR 15 is much less powerful than they ever hunting rifle

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