Any BETS On What Will Happen To Gun Sales?


Every so often I come across an idea that a politician puts forth, and I find myself shaking my head. I mean, how utterly shortsighted and stupid can these people be?

It just boggles the mind.

Take, for example, the situation in many larger cities in America. Crime is rampant, including violent crime. The anti-2A politicians that overwhelmingly run those cities keep trying to blame legal gun owners for the problems, even though it isn’t legal gun owners who are committing the crimes (does anyone else see a logical disconnect in that thinking?).


Now, though, the mayor of one city wants to hold the victims accountable for the crimes committed there. I’m not kidding. Leon Wolf writes,

St. Louis has long had one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, and while some might say that the city’s elected leadership should be held accountable, St. Louis’s Democratic mayor Tishaura Jones recently suggested that instead the city should “hold… business owners accountable” for crimes committed on their premises, according to KOMOnews.

Jones made the comments during the Memphis meeting of the Black Mayors Coalition on Crime, which wrapped up March 28th. The discussions during this conference were closed to the media, but in an interview regarding what strategies were being discussed, Jones told WMC-TV that, “We have a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations. So how can we hold those business owners accountable and also bring down crime? Some of the things are already doing, we’re finding other mayors are doing as well.”

That’s right, she is saying that the businesses should be punished for crimes committed there.

Now, Mayor Jones is publicly in the anti-gun camp of politics. What does she think that punishing convenience store and gas station owners for crimes is going to do?

Seems pretty likely to me that we would see a huge increase in armed security and/or the buying of guns by those business owners to protect their businesses and to drive off criminals.

So, Mayor Jones is anti-gun and setting up a situation that will, almost certainly, cause gun sales to skyrocket?

Seems like someone hasn’t through through this policy, have they?



  1. I am 76 years old been benefactor NRA. Member since l was 35. When you get my age you don’t fear death, I quote ” from my cold dead hands”

  2. Business owners that do business “within the city limits” of St. Louis SHOULD be charged with the crime when something happens on their premises. That should be the cost of DOING BUSINESS within Missouri.

    Let the whole nigger loving bunch of sock-tuckers go bankrupt and starve.

    • What makes YOU think that just because a business is located in a certain area, they should pay for crimes committed against them. Do they not pay taxes to the city and state, the same as you, then they deserve the same protection from crime as YOU. How would YOU feel if YOU were FORCED to live in St. Louis, but if YOU were mugged and robbed, no one would help YOU. As the man says “you can’t fix stupid”.

  3. Dear Mr. DelDuca,
    I too am 76 years old and a lifetime member of NRA. I agree whole heartedly with your statement. To me the Second Admendment means what it says. The banner has to be taken up by the young now and carried as proudly. I never thought I would see our own government turn against us as it has and I keep asking myself what has happened to the country I was so proud of for so long? I hope and pray history proves that we were right and that sanity still rules.

  4. I agree with you gentlemen. When they pry it out of my cold dead hands. This countries so called leaders have gone batshit crazy. Time for the 21century Revolution. One of two ways to stop this madness take up arms or quit paying taxes.

    • I would agree with all? But. I’m nit that far away as if she. But. You need to understand? We have been invaded and almost taken over fully! We have a maggot brain infested meat puppet in the White House. Who strings are pulled by another anti-American meat head. Barack Obama that is pulling his strings! Who are not American. Who the Democrats told everyone. When they stole their seats by massive voter fraud! Who told everyone they were Communists! In which we’re calling each other Comrades! Apparently. That didn’t sink in anyone’s heads? In which these buffoon’s make laws that are nit their scope of work in their positions. Like the ATF etc.. Then try to tell us it’s law? When it’s Unconstitutional to begin with! Legislature and it seems the House of Representatives make laws? Unfortunately. It’s laws the people it effects? That don’t get to vote on. Something wrong with this picture? Despite their dereliction of duty and incompetence etc.. In which they should be removed or charged with contempt of nit performing or complying with their oaths to our country’s Constitution! That’s besides not defending our Country’s Boarder’s , our Country. , our Constitution , our monitory system , and protect Zeus citizens. They have nit done anything positive for America 🇺🇸 or Americans. But. Lie with every breathe in all our faces. Who think we are all retarded? Oops! Not! They invaded and control most power positions.its why they aren’t removed and charged with treason. That’s besides committing mass genocide in America 🇺🇸 and all over the world. They are waiting for us to try and take control by violent force? To enact Martial Law! To take away everything from us. By force. Using our own police , military , the UN and even the Commie Chines. In which they offered to help Obama and he declined. In his reign of terror. Now! If this election fails? To elect Trump? Because they massively cheat again? Then it’s Armageddon either way? Whether who wins or loses? They will riot! Besides deny Trump to be sworn in. If they win? We all know it’s all over for us all. Full blown Communism and genocide etc.. Then we have no choice but to fight back? It’s all or nothing! Just like it’s all or nothing for them. They know what waits for them if they lose? Or relinquish power and control. So get ready for Armageddon. Do not let them take anything away! Especially. Our right for self defense. It has nothing to do with racism. In which they use to divide this nation. Only brain wash really stupid people believe these mentally ill people. Sick , wacko , psychopath murdering piles of excrement 💩! Use your smarter than them. Don’t be gullible. Food for thought?

  5. What I see happening is the BATF is going to start carding people as they enter the doors at gun shows and run background checks. If a flag goes up, you’re arrested on the spot simply for being there. A fellow patriot came in the place I’m spending time helping out the owners and repeated what another person has already stated, went to a gun show the other day and for some reason, no one got shot. It’s funny how inanimate objects seem to get blamed for the actions of those controlling them, but sometimes those people aren’t even in control of themselves. Like they say, the difference between humans and animals is the power to reason, and some people seem to have a face that so closely resembles a gorilla. I’m not prejudice, I just hate those that haven’t evolved yet. I also have heard the phrase, Where’s the transistional life forms that supposedly are out there, somewhere, apparently they exist as those that are commiting the crimes and those that are out there trying to figure out how to stop them by making humans responsible. Another thing I heard and saw was the phrase, kill em all and let GOD sort them out, very extreme but in the end, it’s pretty much how it will end, for all of us.

  6. Here’s food for thought? Why are they carding or doing anything asking Americans for ID etc.? When illegals don’t have to do anything and get freebies ofc our taxes? While we are denied medical etc.? What’s wrong with this picture? Our sworn American enemies have invaded our government! By committing a coup by useful idiot treasonous traitors! Who have invaded and taken over by massive voter fraud! Who call themselves Communists! Then called each other Comtades! Communists are the sworn enemy of America 🇺🇸 for eons. What’s wrong with this picture? Who have destroyed everything America! If we lose this election? It’s all over and invasion and takeover is complete! No more America! Everything as we know it? Gone forever. For me. This is my country! I was born here. This is where I live. My family has been here before it was called America. Or California! So I have no where else to go? I will fight to my last breath if I have to. I am no coward. I’ve been a fighter since I was in kindergarten. Living in Oakland California. I am not a Commie and never will be one. I have never been submissive. Now! I get many in my tribe are stupid! Who side with the enemy and the Commie Chinese. I’ve had enough of stupid people. I do what’s best for me and my family . Especially as far as common sense. I’ve been threatened that they are coming for my chit? But. I’ve been threatened since before Hitlery Clinton. They were coming for me and my family? I’m still here.

  7. So let’s presume that a forcible rape and/or murder (not necessarily in that order) occurs on a business property out of the owner/operators view. Exactly what crime(s) would that owner/operator be charged with? Da mayor needs to be pinned down with specifics or else she is just pandering.

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