Stupid Criminal: Once WASN’T Enough


Some people really are stupid. I mean, I’m not just talking about ordinary, average, every day stupid. I’m not even talking about typical anti-2A rhetoric level stupidity.

Well, on second thought, maybe I am talking about that same level of stupidity. After all, how else would you characterize a situation where a criminal threatens violence against a victim and, then, goes back again as if the outcome will be the same.

Hint: It didn’t turn out the same. Dave Urbanski writes,


The male who sped away [from the attempted traffic stop based on concerns that the vehicle was stolen] abandoned the vehicle near Justin Road West and ran to a home on Oxbow Road near Herlong Road where a home invasion took place, the station reported.

Police said the male entered the home through the garage, pointed a gun at the homeowner’s head, and ran away after his carjacking attempt was unsuccessful, WJXT reported.

However, the male returned to the residence and approached the homeowner again, the station said.

But this time, the homeowner was armed, WJXT added.

Dukes noted to the station that the homeowner “expressed fear, told him to stay away, the suspect kept advancing toward him.” WJXT said the homeowner shot the male in the leg.

The suspect was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, the station said.

And this all happened in Jacksonville, Florida. Lucky for this guy that he didn’t try this foolishness in Polk County, Florida. He wouldn’t have been nearly so lucky as to have only been shot in the leg (see here for more about that).

But how stupid do you have to be to think that, after pulling a gun on an innocent person, they’ll let you do that to them again?

That wasn’t just gall. That was monumental idiocy.



  1. I don’t understand how drugs factor into a premeditated and then executed murder.
    Seems like mental/emotional abuse at school? and at home?

  2. I’m surprised all the guy did was shoot him in the leg as their first meeting was with a gun pointed at him. What if the perpetrator decided to use that gun after being shot by the homeowner??

  3. By shooting this criminal in the leg, ( after being at gun point ) the homeowner has allowed this criminal another opportunity to strike another victim!!! BUMMER ! HOPEFULLY the man learns from his last experience ???

  4. My 1st thought is, Sounds to me like a Lawsuit with a “Good” Crooked lawyer/Attourney for the actual criminal to charge the home owner with some bogus “attempted Murder charge”!
    I hope I’m wrong, but the home owner could have saved everyone a lot of grief and Tax payer money by
    several rounds center mass!

  5. I have clicked “Unsubscribe” better the 10 times over the last 2 weeks in an attempt to stop receiving your emails to no avail. I have taken it further by clicking on your links and going to your website in search of the “Contact us” button that only has links to Pinterest, Facebook and other social media networks and share the page I’m currently on in an effort to produce more traffic to your website and does not provide any means of contacting you in spite of what the link label says. Searching your site, multiple pages on your site for hours over several days still had not produced a means to contact you or a secondary means to unsubscribe from your emails. However, a secondary means should not be required. The first time I selected unsubscribe should have worked. After all the spam law does require that once I select unsubscribe that I am indeed unsubscribed and cease to receive emails from you. I have done what is required of me in numerous occasions, I have been beyond patient and even ordered one of your books. The spam law also requires you to have a single click unsubscribe method on your website which also cannot be found. I don’t understand the reasoning behind a “contact us” link that instead shares the page currently being viewed on the selected social media site other than it being a means to drag more traffic through your site by means of deception. You preach and holler about our rights etc yet your in direct violation of laws that don’t work for you. I have done all I can including attempting to contact you privately when all other means failed. When the means to contact you left me with this the this is the means I had to use. So if you don’t like the way I contacted you the you might consider having your “contact us” link actually contact you and not share a page on your website in my social media. But if you had actually unsubscribed me one of the more than 10 times I selected the unsubscribe button over the last 2 weeks and didn’t continue to pack my inbox with multiple emails every day all in an attempt to sell me more and more the I would not have been on your site looking for a way to contact you. So I’m here leaving the public message all as a result of your not obeying the spam law in the first place and then using deception as a means to put more traffic through your website. Now, this is the last time I will say this, I’m not concerned with the excuses as to why you haven’t done as I asked to date. But if my email isn’t removed immediately from your servers without retribution I will be filling a complaint with the attorney generals office. The next message you receive from me will be through them. I’m sorry it had to go this way, but you insisted repeatedly and since you refused to be nice about it then you left me no other choice. After all I did try more than 10 times over a 2 week period to just click unsubscribe and disappear. I would have preferred I was simply allowed to do that.

    Good luck with your future endeavors. Thank you for removing me from your servers as I requested.

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